Chapter 9

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Ravenkit stretched out her legs and yawned. It had been two days ago since she'd spoken with her father about Leopardfang having kits. Jaytail had woken her up early so that she would get to see them when they were  born. Ravenkit never liked being woken up early, but today was a special day, so she didn't really mind. It had also been two days since the badger attack. Mousekit had recovered, but Shadowtail had forced him to stay in his den until his wound had fully healed. All that was left of the gaping injury on his back was a little scar. Ravenkit knew that she would blame herself forever for his injury, even though Mousekit had willingly jumped in front of her. She pushed away her thoughts and stood next to Jaytail. Her father was very nervous. His dark pelt stood on end, and his blue eyes were wide. Suddenly, Ravenkit heard a yowl of pain come from the nursery. Jaytail looked scared. Shadowtail rushed out of the nursery, breathing hard. His black fur stuck out at all angles. "The kits," he panted. "They're coming." "Now?" "Yes, now!" Jaytail pushed past Ravenkit, almost knocking her over. Once she recovered, Ravenkit looked towards the nursery. Another yowl of pain convinced her not to go inside. She stood there timidly, hoping that her mother was alright. A young white she-cat with black patches ran inside of the small den. Her green eyes shined with anxiety. Ravenkit guessed that she was Shadowtail's apprentice. There was a frightening moment of silence. Then Ravenkit heard Shadowtail yowl, "A she-cat and a tom!" She let out a sigh of relief. She knew from reading the Warriors book series that this meant that the kits had been succesfully brought into the world. Moonclan's medicine cat was announcing the genders of the newest members to everyone that wanted to hear it.  The white she-cat came out of the nursery again. Noticing Ravenkit, she meowed, "Go on inside. Your sister and brother are waiting for you." Ravenkit nodded and padded inside slowly. There, right next to her mother, the two new kits lay. One had a brown and calico pelt with dark green eyes, and the other had darker brown fur with amber eyes and white chest fur, with a brown dash across it that looked like a lightning bolt. "They're beautiful," Ravenkit breathed. "What are you going to name them?" Leopardfang purred at this question. "I don't really know yet," she admitted. "Do you have any ideas, Jaytail?" Her father stood in the corner of the nursery, his blue eyes shining like diamonds. Ravenkit had never seen him look this happy before. "I have one," he mewed. Looking at his dark tabby furred son, Jaytail said, "This one will be Eaglekit." "Eaglekit!" Leopardfang exclaimed. "That's a wonderful name!" "What about the other one?" Ravenkit asked, pointing with her tail to her nameless sister. "Hmm..." Leopardfang thought for a moment. "I've got it!" she finally declared. Looking at her kit, pride shining in her eyes, she mewed, "This one will be named Magickit." Magickit! The name seemed to echo in Ravenkit's mind. "Welcome to Moonclan," she murmured to her new siblings as she left the den.

Magickit and Eaglekit were not the only new arrivals to the clan. Over the next few days, Webheart had Thunderkit and Raccoonkit, giving Stormkit a brother and sister. Scarletfur also had a kit, but only one, a tom named Smokekit. He hsd gray and white, looking like the carbon copy of his fatger, Riverpelt. The entirety of Moonclan was very happy to have these new  additions. Everyone seemed to be cheerful from all that had been going on. Applekit trudged up to Ravenkit, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. "Hi, Ravenkit," she murmured, yawning. "What's up?" "Nothing much," Ravenkit responded casually. "Lots of new kits were born this morning. Did you hear about it?" Applekit nodded. She looked more awake now. "Sandheart told me that you have a new brother and sister. Is that true?" Ravenkit nodded the same way Applekit had. Her friend's blue eyes widened at her answer. "Can I see them?" she asked. "As long as Jaytail says yes," Ravenkit mewed. Quickly finding her father, they asked him, and he agreed. They padded over to the nursery to see them, but were quiet because Jaytail told them that the kits were sleeping. Leopardfang, Webheart, and Scarletfur looked up at them as they walked in. Ravenkit was afraid to look at her brother and sister at first. She worried that they would get sick like Crookedstar's kits did. Ravenkit finally was able to look at them. To her relief, they were both perfectly fine and healthy. Their tiny flanks rose and fell almost at the same time. Magickit's paws moved slightly in her sleep, and Eaglekit's tail tip twitched. Ravenkit marveled at how adorable they were. She heard Applekit whisper, "Aww! They're so cute!" Ravenkit purred at this and continued to watch them both. Thank you, Moonstar. A harsh yowl made Ravenkit look away from her siblings. She ran out of the nursery to see what was happening, Applekit hot on her heels. The reddish tom named Firefang was shouting something. Ravenkit pricked up her ears to hear him better. What she heard made her freeze in terror. "Sparrowfur is dead!" 

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