Chapter 3 and 4

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Chapter 3: Destiny

Rianna opened her eyes again. She was lying on a soft patch of grass. The world around her was silver tinted. The trees, the grass, even the sky was the same grayish hue. Rianna tried to stand up, but found that she couldn't. What was wrong with her? Rianna looked at a small silver pond nearby, but instead of seeing her human reflection, she saw...a cat's face! Rianna backed away, scared out of her mind. She now had blackish brown fur, amber eyes, and her hands had become paws. Her back legs were shorter now, which explained why she couldn't stand up properly. Along with a long furry cat tail, Rianna could barely tell that she had once been a human being. She looked back at her reflection. On her forehead, she had a small, white diamond-shaped mark. Where had that come from? Rianna looked behind her to see Moonstar standing there. He had been watching her the whole time, smirking as she panicked. "What did you do to me?" she cried. "You are one of the six chosen ones who will save my Clan. But to save Moonclan, you must become a warrior yourself. You are of no use to us as a Twoleg." Rianna was a bit insulted and weirded out by this, but she listened anyway. "Your friends from your world will join you in your journey as a warrior. What are their names?" Rianna thought about this, then answered. "They are Anya, Meg, Shana, and Gia. Will my parents help me too?" "Yes, of course. Do you have any siblings?" Moonstar meowed to her. Rianna nodded. "I have a younger sister and brother named Bella and Ethan," she answered. "Good. I will send you to Moonclan now. Your name will be Ravenkit until you receive your apprentice name. Good luck." Rianna, now Ravenkit, suddenly felt tired, and she finally closed her eyes.

Chapter 4: Moonclan

Ravenkit opened her eyes. She was in a small den that she assumed was this Clan's nursery. Other kittens and their mothers, queens, were sleeping around her. Her heart beat rapidly with excitement. This sort of thing had always been a crazy daydream of hers when she had been a human, but now that it was happening, she had never been more happy or more afraid. One of the queens beside her, a dark brown tabby she-cat, opened her eyes and yawned. "Hello, Ravenkit. You're up early," the queen said sleepily. "Did I wake you up?" Ravenkit asked, hoping she didn't. "No. I was already going to get up anyway." Ravenkit knew that this would sound weird, but she wanted to know. "Um, who are you?" The queen seemed confused, but happy to tell her anyway. "Oh, my name is Leopardfang. I'm your mother." Leopardfang had golden spots on her pelt. Ravenkit already liked her. She had a pretty smile that reminded Ravenkit of her human mom. "Can I go outside?" Ravenkit wondered. "Maybe tomorrow, sweetie. I'm a little bit tired." "Ok." Ravenkit was disappointed, but it was still something to look forward to. A big orange cat came to the entrance to the nursery, carrying a mouse in his jaws. Ravenkit knew it was fresh-kill. "Thanks, Sunfur," Leopardfang meowed gratefully. The orange warrior nodded and raced away, leaving the mouse at the nursery's entrance. Leopardfang grabbed it and dragged it over to where Ravenkit sat. "I'm not that hungry. Do you want some?" she asked. Ravenkit shook her head, making a face. She was not going to eat a dead mouse. "Okay, then," Leopardfang said, taking small bites of the mouse. Ravenkit looked away. It was gross to watch. Soon Leopardfang pushed the mouse aside and closed her eyes. It had only been a couple of hours, but it was already dark outside. Ravenkit lay down in the soft bedding of the nursery, and closed her eyes to sleep at last.

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