Chapter 7

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Ravenkit woke up in the nursery. Applekit was prodding her awake with one ginger and brown paw. "Ow..." Ravenkit mumbled, rubbing her shoulder. "Sorry," Applekit mewed apologetically. "You wouldn't get up." Ravenkit yawned, stretching her legs and tail. Her was still so new to her. She moved it experimentally, then faced her friend. "Well, I'm up now, thanks to you. Did you want something?" "No, not really." Applekit poked her russet head out of the nursery, then shivered and came back inside. A chilly breeze blew through the nursery, making Ravenkit cold too. "It doesn't even feel like new-leaf," she complained. "It's way too cold outside." "It'll warm up soon enough, my dear," someone said to her. Ravenkit saw a sandy colored she-cat come forward and nuzzle Applekit gently. That must be her mother. "I know, Sandheart," Applekit told her. "I just wish it would happen faster." The queen purred in amusement. "It will happen before you know it." The queen laid back down and closed her eyes, but opened them to say one more thing. "You two enjoy yourselves today!" Ravenkit smiled. "Thank you! We will!" She turned to leave the nursery, but then sleepily tripped over her own paws. Applekit, trying to hide her laughter, asked, "Did you get enough sleep last night?" If having a creepy prophecy dream counts as getting enough sleep, sure, Ravenkit thought. All she said, however, was "I guess." Applekit nodded and suddenly shouted, "Mousekit, you're back!" Ravenkit turned around to see a brown tom-kit with orange eyes in the corner of the nursery. "Glad to see I was missed," he mewed. "Is your paw okay?" Ravenkit asked. She immediately had a crush on him, but she couldn't like both Stormkit and Mousekit, could she? I hope that I won't have to choose between them one day, she thought. Ravenkit dismissed the idea. It was too hard to think about. "My paw? It's fine," Mousekit replied. "It's just a little sore." Mousekit limped, wincing, over to the nursery's entrance. "Guys," he called, excited. "Snowstar's having a meeting!" Ravenkit and Applekit walked up to the entrance and looked outside. Snowstar was having a meeting! Their white furred leader jumped onto a rocky cliff on the edge of a mountain. A roaring waterfall was visible in the distance, and a stone path led to it from where she was. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" she yowled. "Let's go!" Applekit exclaimed. "Didn't you hear what Snowstar said?" Mousekit asked. "We can't go to the meeting because we're too young. We can watch though." "I don't feel like watching." Applekit pouted, her tail drooping as she turned away from them. "It's okay," Ravenkit mewed, trying to comfort her friend. "We can still find something fun to do here." "Like what?" Applekit wondered. "You could hang out with us." Mothkit's mew echoed theough the quiet nursery. Stormkit, Lilykit, and Graykit stood nearby. Mothkit held a ball of dark green moss in her jaws. "Where'd you get that from?" Applekit asked, her eyes wide. "My mom, Tigerstripe gave it to me. Pretty cool, right?" she bragged. Mothkit dropped the mosss and moved it back and forth between her tiny white paws. "Can we play?" Ravenkit turned around to see two new she-kits.  One had dark fur, green eyes, and white front paws. The other kit had light brown fur, white splotches on her back, amber eyes, and one black ear. "Nightkit! Rosekit! Good to see you!" Mothkit purred. Remembering their question, she mewed, "Of course you can!" and threw the moss ball at them. Soon each of the kits were rolling and tumbling to get the ball. Leopardfang and the other queens watched them, amused.

By the time Jaytail returned from the Clan meeting to see his family, the kits were exhausted. They lay, panting, on the nursery floor. Ravenkit's father placed some fresh-kill next to Leopardfang, and then sat near the entrance. Sunfur, the orange tomcat, brought a fluffy squirrel to a gray furred queen in the corner of the nursery. Ravenkit heard him say, "Here you go, Webheart," and knew immediately that that was the she-cat's name. Ravenkit heard Webheart purr and mew, "Thanks!" through a mouthful of squirrel meat. Sunfur nodded, laughing, and walked away, but he didn't leave yet. Instead he walked over to Stormkit, carrying another piece of prey in his mouth. Ravenkit could tell that it was a tiny vole. "Is that for me?" Stormkit's blue eyes shined with excitement. "Sure! Just be careful not to eat it too fast," he replied. Stormkit nodded and bit into the vole after Sunfur placed it in front of him. "It's delicious!" he meowed, taking bigger bites. Ravenkit turned away to look at Applekit. Scarletfur, Rosekit and Nightkit's mother, seemed to have forgotten about the incident from earlier and was talking to the other queens near her friend. Ravenkit walked over to her and asked, "Why is Stormkit so happy around Sunfur?" "Isn't it obvious?" Applekit answered, sounding surprised. "Sunfur is Stormkit's father!" Oh. Ravenkit immediately felt mouse-brained. She nodded and left, padding over to Jaytail and mewed, "What did Snowstar tell you at the meeting?" Jaytail looked at his daughter, a somewhat nervous expression on his face. "Nothing really," he told her, but Ravenkit could tell that he was lying. He walked over to Leopardfang and whispered something in her ear. All Ravenkit heard was the word "badger". A badger? She was immediately terrified. In the book series that she loved, her favorite character had been killed by a badger, and while she was a small kitten, she would be easy prey as well. They were vicious and dangerous creatures, but if badgers were on their territory, then everyone would be in danger until someone drove them away. But who could drive badgers away? Not me. Ravenkit turned around to see a white furred tomcat standing there. She had thought that someone was watching her. "Moonstar!" Ravenkit cried. "Oh my gosh, it's you! You're here!" Moonstar chuckled. His crescent moon shaped mark stood out on his face, and his body glowed with starlight. "Yes, I am here, but try to be quiet. No one else can see me but you. Also, use Clan words. Cats might harbor suspicion towards you otherwise." Ravenkit nodded, then with curiosity,  asked, "What are you doing here?" "I have come to warn you," Moonstar replied. "The badger your father spoke of has made a den on your Clan's territory. They will bring more of their kind and destroy Moonclan if you do not stop them in time." Ravenkit's eyes widened with terror. "I can't!" she gasped. "I'm just a kit! I couldn't possibly fight badgers all by myself!"

"You won't have to," Moonstar assured her. "Your friends will join you."

"But we could all die!" Moonstar smiled. "No, you won't. You are a cat of the prophecy. You are more powerful than you know, and you can do it, because I believe in you." Moonstar touched his nose to hers comfortingly, then vanished in a flash of white light. Ravenkit sighed, looking around the nursery. Luckily, no one had even looked in her direction. Ravenkit sighed again, this time relieved instead of annoyed. She padded over to where Applekit was, but she was no longer there. Ravenkit looked for her friend's familiar reddish pelt, but she didn't see her anywhere. Where was Applekit? Suddenly someone jumped on top of her, and she let out a yowl of alarm and turned to see a flash of red fur. Applekit! Her blue eyes glowed mischievously. "Gotcha!" "Get off," Ravenkit laughed. Applekit tumbled off of Ravenkit, giggling. A purr rose up in Ravenkit's throat. It felt strange, but she knew that it was something that cats normally did, so she let it happen. After a couple of minutes of snickering and play-fighting, Ravenkit awkwardly sat down on the soft green grass. She silently thought of a way to tell Applekit about what she had to do. "So," she finally mewed, "what do you think about badgers?"

Rianna's Prophecy (will be rewritten eventually) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ