Chapter 76 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother

Start from the beginning

" Was it… my fault? " The little lady says as Archduke Willard then looked at the little lady and he gives her a gentle smile at her.

" No, it wasn't your fault, so please do not blame yourself, lets just say…it was already destined that your mother will pass away after giving birth to you. " Archduke Willard says as he gives the little lady a warm smile once again.

" I'm sorry dad…" The little lady says as Archduke Willard shake his head.

" No, don't apologize. Like I have said, it wasn't your fault, your mother was destined to rest for eternal after giving birth to you. " Archduke Willard says

" Destined? " The little lady says as Archduke Willard smiled and nodded his head.

" Yes, it was some sort of a tradition within her family and from where she lives." Archduke Willard says as he looked at the woman on the portrait once again before covering it with the curtains.

" There are things that you don't know in this world yet my daughter, but I'm not planning on hiding the truth from you, nor would I keep you away from it." Archduke Willard says as the little lady just stared at her father with a confused expression on her face.

" Sooner or later when you're much older, you'll inherit the thrown of your mother." Archduke Willard says

' Huh? Thrown what? '

" Thrown? What do you mean about that Dad? " The little lady says as Archduke Willard smiled.

" Well, let's just say that your mother…" Archduke Willard says as he kneel in front of the little lady and stroke her hair gently using his finger with a smile.

" Your mother is a Queen." Archduke Willard says

' My mother is a Queen??? '

' So, I really have a royal blood!? '

" When you're much older, you'll be taking her crown. That simply mean that you'll become the next Queen of that place." Archduke Willard says with a smile on his face.

' That place? '

' What place? '

" And when that place will have their new appointed Queen, I hope my daughter will rule that place wisely, being a Queen will not all be as easy as you might thought." Archduke Willard says

" But Dad, what if I don't want to be a Queen? " The little lady says as Archduke Willard chuckles.

" I don't think your mother gives you an option though. When the time comes, either you like or not, you will have to become a Queen. " Archduke Willard

" Why forcing? " The little lady says as Archduke Willard chuckles softly.

" Well, we can't do anything about it, only those who carries the blood of your mother will become the Queen." Archduke Willard says

" And well, your mother only gives birth to one child, and that is you." Archduke Willard says

" If she had given birth to two child which is impossible to happen since there's this tradition in your mom's kingdom that she can only give birth to one child." Archduke Willard says

" And then after that, she'll have to pass away, but your mother." Archduke Willard says

" Why would she pass away after giving birth to one child?? Why is there a tradition like that?? " The little lady asked.

" Well, I asked the same thing to your mother when she was still here." Archduke Willard says

" She told me it was to avoid future fights." Archduke Willard says

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