Great chemistry to all

Start from the beginning

"Dory the condition of the quints is stable as expected, so we will continue to the medical care and bed rest. If you have questions or concerns you can page me or Dr. James and I will be here okay"

"Yes Dr. Montgomery" I wiped out the gel of Dory's belly and leave the room, the intern behind me as we stand at the nurse's station. Updating the patient's chart

"Next time try not to say anything that pops up in your brain. Stay with her and page me if something happens" I ordered and left


Now I need to find the surgeons who will assist me in this surgery, and let them meet the patient. I page every attending in each department and have a meeting in one of the conference rooms of the hospital when they started to arrive one by one.

"Good morning everyone, I know you're all busy but I gather you all here this morning to inform you that there's a patient with the high profiled case. A quintuplet and three of them need a surgery" I speech

"So all the departments are on standby and a resident will lead this operation to cue us to our disposal? Does the chief agree to this?! How can a resident especially a woman can handle this risky procedure, how capable are you to have a success rate in this operation? Get down from you're high horse kiddo, just because you're favorite by the Chief of surgery you will control our departments" the most hated attending who has a God complex spoke

"Dr. Koracick, don't be too sexiest. And yes the Chief knows about this he's the one who informed me personally about this case and I'm sure hell I am capable of leading this surgery, so today if I say jump you just going to say how high, and if you don't want to be on this case you can leave the door is wide open. I don't need a narcissist, sexiest, God-complex attitude in my team!" I counter back, I had enough of him.

The room was silent, nobody know what to do or say. After my statement, the arrogant head of neurosurgery left, and after that everyone clapped some whistled because everyone hated that guy.

"Nice going Dr. Montgomery," one of the attendings said.

"Enough, let's get down to business because we don't have much time," I said sternly because we can't waste time.

"Dr. Webber, Dr. Herman are you available today so that Dory will be able to meet you?" I asked permission from them

"I'm sorry Addie but I have surgery later today and I won't able to tell how long I will be finished, how about Dr. Bailey or better yet Dr. Grey. I have heard that she was great, it wasn't shocking to me cause she's Ellis Grey's daughter" Richard said "and for neuro, Dr. Bartley is a good choice"

"I can't Montgomery, I filled my leave of absence tomorrow till next month so I won't be here in time for the surgery. I only went today because I'm finishing up patients, I'll pass down my spot to Dr. Yang even though she's a resident, she's also capable of this procedure just like you. Don't listen to that old man, I believe in you, we all are, and especially the Chief because I know if he knew you weren't ready to handle this case, he won't take the risk to put yours, his, and the hospital's reputation."

"Thank you"


The motivation that Richard and Nicole said to me, boost my confidence even more. They are right, I work hard and I know I can do this.

Finding all the senior residents since the head departments gave me suggestions on who to take on the case, after confirming to the Chief what the other attending suggested he approved that the senior resident will participate in this surgery. Good thing that when I turn to the corner to enter the resident lounge I see Kai, Meredith, and Christina were there. The atmosphere in the room was different as if a big mass of threats occupy the room.

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