The memories

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Meredith's POV

"Hey Mer, you okay?" Saddie's voice snaps me out of my daydreaming or night dreaming cause it's nighttime, get it.

"Ahm yeah! I will just sit over there now" pointing at our table

"Want me to accompany you?" She proposed, coming closer to me with her flirty eyes. I negatively shook my head, I don't want a company from anyone other than Addison.

"No! That's alright, enjoy yourself here" with that I left the dance floor.

Once I secure myself in one place, I stare out of nowhere and doze off to the night that changes my life for the better.


Everyone was shocked including Addison when I announce her name after they recover some of the boys clamored but in the corner of my eyes I see the guys who approached Addison earlier shooting glares at me, I just fire them my winning smirk cause the girl of their dreams is coming with me even though it's only for seven minutes but I'm planning to make it longer preferably forever.

I glance again at Addison, I see that her friends encoring her to go in.

"You can do it Adds, maybe she's going to be the one for you"  I heard her friend say it

I went inside the cabinet waiting for her when she did not make a move, I laugh mentally cause her friend forcefully pushed her inside and the boys closed the door.

It was quiet for a long time and I decided to break it.

"Is it your first time?" Breaking the silence

"With a stranger, yes."

Then it was silent again, I don't know how many minutes have passed still in silence, I guess it was long enough for my friends to talk outside

"Meredith, why is it quiet in there?" Joseph said

"That's new" I heard Nathan ribbing

"Looks like Ms. Meredith Casanova is denied access for the first time"

"Hey. Hey! Let's give her a chance. Maybe she's still trying to ease her way in" Eric's voice

"That's right! She can handle Addison, did you remember her legendary three chicks in one day?" Joseph started

"Angel for breakfast, Monique for lunch, Daisy for dinner, and.." Eric paused, I turn to look at Addison and let out a chuckle seeing she was shocked by the information my friend is blaring in the open. "And last but not the least" he continues.

"Princess for a midnight snack! Certified Casanova " Joseph, Nathan, and Eric said in chorus.

I decided to interfere cause I don't want to have a bad impression of this beautiful girl beside me.

"Hey! Bastards" I laugh

"Addie! Get out of there and let's go home! There's no "the one" here! There just fooling you, they're all bad people" her friend hysterically said banging the cabinet door, I heard my friends stop her.

"Babe, babe let's go" then it was quiet again.

"Not all people are bad people, you know," I said, she didn't say anything just stare at me so I decided to continue and build myself to her "not all individuals are going to hurt you" I let out a small sigh "people can change, right?"

Reluctantly opened her mouth and said "so "The one" still exists?" For the second time, I heard her voice, it was sweet and raspy that I could melt right there.

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