"Denzil? Who's there?" Jane said but when she came to the door she gasped in shock.

"Hello Miss Jane"

"Thomas, how are you?" She said and had to embrace him.

"I'm doing fine, although, that's not what I can say for Alice"

"Alice? Please don't tell me she's caught again?"


She looked at Denzil, the off duty officer was quiet, especially after hearing Alice is the main suspect in the Butcher case, Jane still needs to hear the news.

"As you probably concluded she survived that attack, but, she became a rebel Tom, I don't know what to do anymore" Jane said giving a soft sob.

"Miss Jane, Alice is a suspect in my murder case, finger prints and DNA places her on scenes and in places of interest, if you know where she is, I need to find her, before she kills again"

Jane gasped again "A, a killer!?"

"Unfortunately, you say she became a rebel? Well I think its more than that"

Jane was in tears and Denzil embraced her "Let's take it slow detective" He said.

Tom nodded "We can use all the time needed"

Denzil led Jane in and Tom followed, in the living room they took a seat and Tom produced his pocket book.

"Okay Miss Jane, as Denzil said we'll take it slow, when was the last time you saw Alice?"

She sobbed thinking "A, about a week ago"

"Please excuse my bluntness but was she on any drugs?"

"I think so, uh..."

Denzil answered for her "Found an empty banky in her room detective, had small traces of white powder so I'm guessing coke"

"That's also something that leads me to believe Alice was out to frame Adelle Monroe, is there anyone close to her? A boyfriend? Maybe just a friend?"

"We've seen her move around with another girl her age, but we don't recognize her" Jane said.

Tom made a note "So no male friends? No large scaly men?"

Jane looked at Denzil who frowned then he lifted a finger "To tell you the truth maybe, just maybe there was this guy, I saw her talk to him but he had a suit on" he said brushing his chin "I was on duty and knowing Alice had her instantly get my attention as I passed, but she spoke to him so briefly it couldn't have been something"

Tom noted it all "Would this suit, be a man who helps her with drug money?"

"Its a possibility"

"Can you describe the man as best you can?"

"Tall, hansome-ish, platinum hair you know? Nice comb-over"

Tom has seen a description like that before... Up close actually, why did this suit, remind him of Dale Faust?


Angela had pedal to the floor all the way to Manhattan, hopefully her contact will have more info, then again she took a chance, the real reason she wanted to see this contact was because of a mistake she made, a grave mistake.

She almost felt herself tear up again but held back the cry, if only she knew, she would never have chosen Oklahoma, how small this world truly is.

It was past high noon when she came to a dockyard, the one vacant factory building stood with its large shutter door open, Angela scanned the surroundings then turned to drive in.

She killed her engine and climbed out, there as no noise but its clear someone stayed here, at the far back the couches with cigarette stumps still smoking, the ones who stay here probably took cover.

"I come in peace!" She called into the hangar.

"Angela?" A large thick male voice answered her.

Angela shut her door then leaned against her car, the man who answered came around one of the shipping containers but stopped there first, bulked out with muscle and tainted in tattoos, he only wore a tank top, his expression told her he wasn't happy to see her.

"The K9 pup strolled into the cave of the wolves" he said.

"Long time no see Drake"

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Firstly, A shipment, heading to France, know anything about it?"

"No, but I can make sure, where?"


He took his phone out and dialled a number "Yes, check the docking areas, word has arrived of a large shipment heading to France, make it snappy!"

He put the phone down "And? That it?"

"No, I need help"

"What help?"

"Where is Lucy? I have a task for her"

"Lucy is currently busy at her new job, can I leave her a message?"

"No I need to talk to her in person"

Drake folded his arms "You're really brave Angela, to come here and ask questions like this, you know what happened between you two, its not pretty"

"It wasn't her that caused the shit, it was someone else, technically me and Lucy should still be on friendly terms"

"Tell that to the death of her parents!"

"They started that!"

"And revenge was taken, I suggest you leave, if you give me your number I will inform you of the shipment"

"I think I'll wait, besides, there is a moon out tonight, I can't leave now"

Author's note:


Red moon notice Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora