Peppy partner

24 7 27

"-I came to solve a case, excuse my pep a little but if you can't stand your man against a woman then take back seat so I can take charge of this investigation!"

-Detective Angela MacMillan WVPD-

-Tom sat in his office yawing that next morning, he grunted when his jacket zipper caught his beard as he looked up from his coffee, it made him remember he forgot shave yet again, but then again he didn't really care.

He had his photos of the latest crime scene printed out and was now scanning them for any clues, but his tired brain was messing with him so it brought his attention back to the coffee.

He scanned for Jones then quickly poured half his whiskey canteen into the mug and closed it just before a bang came on his window making him bounce.

"Come!" Jones yelled passing.

Tom took his cup and followed the chief, halfway to his office he remembers why he was being called, that other woman detective.

"Is she at least any good?"

"Yes, apparently she was a psychiatric forensics analyst before she became a detective"

"What!? A shrink?"

"She used to be! Now she's a detective"

"What's the name then?"

"Angela MacMillan, she used to work in Blue fields West Virginia"

"Okay then, why her specifically?"

Jones came into his office and held a hand to an open chair "Sit"

Tom followed order.

"She's a real smarty, I think we need someone who not only looks at the scene but also looks at what kind of person might have left that scene behind"

He nodded "As much as I don't like it, it makes sense Warren"

The older man bucked his head at the knock on his door "Ah, detective MacMillan, please have a seat"

Tom stood up out of respect and turned but saw the same woman who gunned him at the bar last night "Wait! You!?"

Her animosity also kicked in "Oh no! This isn't a NASCAR stand ticket booth asshole what the blazes are you doing here!?"

He flinched looking at her from head to heals, she wore a very tight fitting navy dress that hugged her features seductively, and it seems its a thing with her, her chest open in a 'V' exposing her bare skin sporting that chained bullet resting where her breasts meet.

"The hell woman!? Does this look like a fancy dress to you!? This is a detectives office! And I'm a bloody detective!"

"That's nonsense! What are you investigating then!? The relationship between NASCAR racing and erection problems?"

"Why you-! You utter...!"

"Enough!" Jones said standing up with a slap to his table "I will not have this!"

"She started it Chief! Back at the bar last night already!"

"And he's the one who took a good gawk at my chest whilst I wasn't looking!"

"I said enough!" Jones yelled and they stopped.

"Listen to yourselves! You sound like a bloody married couple! There are bigger crap going on than him looking at you breasts and you bothering him with NASCAR nonsense! So sit the hell down! Both of you!"

The two glared at each other and sat down slowly.

"Angela, this is Detective Tom Snyders, and you two are taking head on the Butcher case"

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