In a castle of glass

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"It is men on the street like you who look up to me and think I'd never look down, I have loads of respect for you detective and I have no interest in men with money because they always get jealous of a successful woman, that or they feel threatened"

-Adele Monroe-

The thing about being a detective is you have a 'get to do what you want' card in your pocket in the form of a badge, no one sees you coming until the shield flashes, but Tom couldn't help stop first to look up to the building before he entered, all that glass... How much glass went into this scraper of a structure anyway?

He tucked at his collar then entered, inside his pocket he felt the warrant for Adele, with a rich cookie like her merely flashing a badge wont help sometimes, people have rights, and she has the right not to talk to him... That's where the warrant comes in.

"Good morning, I'm detective Tom Snyders and I wish to speak to Adele Monroe?" He asked the receptionist with his badge held up.

The lady in pink smiled "Morning sir, Miss Monroe told me she was expecting the authorities, please use the elevator up to the very top floor" she said kindly holding a hand to the lifts.

"Thanks so much" he said heading over, it seems the warrant wasn't necessary then? Monroe clearly understood the predicament rather well.

Up the elevator he couldn't help clear his throat and scan the box, even here it was obvious money wasn't an option, the button panel gold plated with the numbers neatly carved into them in italic print.

Luckily there wasn't a cheerful elevator song playing, Tom hated that song.

The 'ping' opened the doors to a very sleek office lounge, the entire floor belonged to her, the woman now sitting behind that ivory desk, clad in red and oh so beautiful.

There was this sensuality about her when she rose to her high heels, she didn't seem happy to see him, neither was it clear she was disrespectful, her face expressionless as her long legs strolled her around that half a million dollar table, her posture meant business, and tom can respect that.

"Detective Snyders? My temp in the lobby told me you're coming" she said extending a hand to him and he took it sharing a respectful handshake with her.

"Sorry for the intrusion Miss Monroe, I just had a few questions?"

"Yes, please have a seat" she said gesturing at a chair to the right of that desk, here she even had a lounge for her customers, the small table in the middle elegantly decorated with jewels for sale here at Monroe enterprises.

"Reece, he was the man whom you appointed to fix up the Pinpoppy right?"

She took a seat and first folded one leg over the other Tom couldn't help glance at the smooth skin as the folded leg was now revealed by that one side cut dress.

"Yes, he was" she said.

"Do you have any competition?"

"Not the kind that would try and blackmail me with murder if that's what you mean?"

"Well to be completely honest Miss its beyond blackmail now that there is a dead body in one of your almost dead buildings, I hear you bought it a few days ago?"

"Yes, I wanted to revamp that building into a beauty spa, it is a sore eye in that district everyone around it is making new, rebuilding and going up in the world, but that ugly pink building just stood there, no one wanted it"

Tom wrote down a note to himself then looked at her again "Is there a reason no on wanted it? And what made you decide to take it in the end?"

"Hocus pocus detective, that murder wasn't the first death there" her exposed porcelain perfect shoulders shrugged slightly "They say its haunted"

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