Riding shotgun

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"—Its handbrake still works—"

Routine, it was something Tom lived by and now falling into his chair at exactly seven o clock, Adele was kind enough to drop him here at this hour.

Early morning he was up at the beep of his watch, shaved his head and beard, took a long damn shower and surprisingly found the set of fresh clothes on a table next to the door.

He tucked at the collar of the black polo shirt then brushed the jeans, brand spanking new, almost a perfect fit accept for his shirt being a size smaller, he saw by the way Adele smirked at him that it was in fact her taste...

He stood up and took one of the two cups of coffee and added its kick, the other of course for his partner, he sipped at it looking at the ugly brown sedan stand outside in the parking lot, shot up and dead, the mechanic said many bullets hit a mark.

Fan belt pulley, battery, valves and even the fuel pump was knocked out, it was almost like they aimed for them, Tom felt he wasn't going to miss that car, and speaking of car he saw the one that belonged to his partner draw up next to it.

She climbed out and he had to laugh seeing her walk rounds around that Victoria baffled clearly, then she stormed into the department.

Tom didn't stir, he saw her pass but didn't see him standing at the window, so she marched to Warren, he almost counted it down when she burst out again and came back, and only then did she see him but she was clearly furious.

"What the bloody Hell happened last night!?" She squalled slamming the door shut behind her.

"I got shot at" he said and shrugged.

"Oh I get it! You had a lead you didn't tell me about! What's wrong then? Can't trust me enough for it!?"

"It was something that just passed by and I took it!"

"Bullsh–" she scoffed "And what made it worse is I believed your therapy excuse! I actually damnwell felt sorry for you!"

"Angela relax! They had Moe in the car! They passed me and I followed! One thing lead to another, rest in pieces old Vicky! And good flipping riddens!"

She folded her arms "Why should I believe you? And who the Hell is Moe!?"

"Moe was one of my most trusted informants, and he's dead now" he said thinking now what if they killed Moe because of that reason?

Her anger faded "What?"

"Yes, they shoved the poor old man in a car and crushed it with him in it!"

She finally calmed "Oh, sorry then"

"Its fine, I'm actually glad you didn't come, you not having a gun and all"

She smirked, reached into her handbag and drew out a large six shot revolver, it made him frown.

"West Virginia baby, we use these not your toy pistols" she said proudly in her accent.

"That's a cannon! Can you even shoot it?"

"I can! I was lying about not having a gun Thomas! I might be arrogant sometimes but I'm not stupid" she said placing it back in her bag.

"Well then..." He said moving over and pouring some whiskey in her coffee "I went to Monroe's house last night"

She paused before she took a sip "You did?"

"She offered me a ride home"

Scoffing again she took a deep sip of her coffee.


"You could a called me! Now I felt like an idiot! Your partner and I was the last one who found out about your shootout!"

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