One girl too small

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The sound... Of sirens... To Tom it was always a sad tone, the call of sorrow, when an ambulance excreted that loud and long wail it reminded him of a crying woman.

An ambulance will carry with it the idea that those sirens leads you to injury, pain and possibly death, one can only pray to those where the ambulance goes.

A police car was no different to him, the very idea that such a force as law needed to be implemented reminds one that man is a vile species, succumbing to evil so easily it was sickening, and the wail of a police vehicle ensures one that there is light, in the darkness.

A wise man once said good and evil runs parallel on the road one travels and follows you to death, without the good one can't distinguish evil, and yet without evil you can't distinguish good, one needs the other, its called balance.

Yet death has a way of making you forget reason... Why? How!? Was it necessary? Did she deserve it!?

Mia was not evil, so no angel of light can take her away! She was not pure, merely an innocent child unable to yet comprehend true evil, and therefore it was Tom's fatherly duty to ward off the evil that came her way...

But was a wolf evil? A predator hunts out of need not hate, a carnivore never kills out of greed, only to survive.

Death made it clear how easily it could strike, how unsuspecting it can execute its work, and the scent of his masterpiece hung copper fresh in the air.

No matter how many men he saw get blown apart by mortars, IED's, grenades, men shot by AK's and machine guns, death was nothing new to him, he in fact found a sense of poetry to know how a fifty caliber rifle round can blow the head of a man off from over a mile away... Art, simple, death from afar.

Yet here and now the flickering blue against the trees was even more sickening to him than that, easily canceling out the feint white light of the full moon and revealing ever so more the final resting place of his daughter, among the leaves, rocks, her body sprawled awkwardly, she looked so uncomfortable.

As fresh blood intestinal gore was a thing he saw in his nightmares, this scene had him lose that iron mentality against the sight of a mutilated man and he hurled every time the idea that the copper scent in the air belonged to his daughter, he had nothing to bring up anymore, pushing strenuously at his bowls to produce only sour burning foam and spitting it to the ground where his tears kept falling.

Not even that bile in his mouth that managed to spray occasionally through his nose could block out that smell of Mia's blood.

"Snyders... I'm sorry" Denzil said that night, placing his hand on the man's back, it wasn't a pat, or a rub, merely a touch of sympathy, what could a man really say to another man, who just lost his daughter.

"We have another one here!" They both heard a cop call.

Tom already checked, it was both of them, one mere girl too small to feed a wolf, too small to fill its gluttonous gut, it had to kill both, what would Tom ever say to Jane... She was now husband less, and daughter less.


He took a deep sigh when he opened his eyes, the previous feeling of adrenaline pumped madness blocking out the pain was gone, he looked down to see only the hospital bed covers.

He almost did run himself to death, adrenaline works in wasted ways sometimes.

"Tom" her voice joined the beeps of the monitors, Angela stood from her chair and came over, those blue eyes ice like with fury "Didn't I say I was going to beat the crap out of you if you got shot!?"

Tom only looked at her bewildered, still trying to get a grasp of what he saw, she was no ghost, she bled like the living, no poltergeist no phantom!

"Is this some kind of joke!?" He yelled and Angela backed off surprised.

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