Chapter 8- The Discussion

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...Sorry I've been gone so long peeps. 

*Tyler's POV*

I woke up next to Troye, covered in warmth and blankets. My head was leaning peacefully against his chest, which was rising and lowering in a perfect breathing rhythm. What a beautiful creature. Except for the drool starting to form out of his softly snoring mouth. Oh well, he's still cute.

Although I wanted to cuddle, I also wanted coffee. Quietly getting up, I replaced a pillow in my place for Troye to cuddle with. I giggle at him hugging the white pillow, then slip away into the kitchen.

Sighing, I click open my laptop.

"TWEET TWEET TWEET TWEET" an explosion of twitter notifications erupt from my computer and I hear Troye rustle around in the other room.

Crap. I forgot to turn the notifications off. I go to my YouTube page, and click on the video Troye and I had made a few days earlier. I stare dreamily at the screen while it plays. Knowing I shouldn't, I scroll down to see the amount of views, likes and comments.

Holy shit in a bucket. More than 4 million views. I shut my eyes and click to the bottom of the page, praying there are more support comments than hate. Thousands of comments flood my screen. Support and #troyler is EVERYWHERE. I smile and lean back in my chair, letting the happiness set in.

"Babe," Troye mutters as he stumbles into the kitchen.

"Hello," I laugh at the appearance of my fiancee; his hair is an absolute disaster and he has a blanket draped around him that he can't stop tripping over.

"What are you looking at?"

Scared he may not like me looking at the video's responses alone, I quickly say "tumblr".

"Okay," he says, walking to the coffee machine. "Now tell me the truth."

This boy.

Sighing, I flip around my laptop to show him the screen. He grabs it and flips quickly through the comments.

"Oh, thank god," He mutters under his breath, and I grin.


Later that night, my mom called.

As I was brushing my teeth and hearing the phone ring, I called for Troye to answer it.

"Hello, Queen Jackie," I hear him say. Rolling my eyes, I spit and begin washing my hands.

"Really? No he hadn't told me..." I hear and stop moving. "Yes, I will talk to him. Thanks Jackie." I don't breathe. 10 seconds pass before I hear another sound. "Hey, Tyler," Troye calls from the other room.

Clearing my throat, I call back, "Yes, darling?" Oh gosh, please don't be about my dad. Please...

"Come here,"

"Um, okay," I walk slowly back into the living room and sit on the opposite side of the sofa Troye is sitting comfortably on.

"Tyler..." He says in his adorable accent, looking up at me with his bright blue eyes.

"Troye," I whisper back.

"Listen, I know that you've struggled a lot with your dad in the past but..."

"But what?"

"But maybe we should invite him?"

I don't reply. He didn't wait for an answer. "Tylahh...getting everyone's blessing for this marriage is really important to me. You know that."

"He doesn't even know Troye. Nobody on that side of my family knows about us yet."

"I know this is scary, Ty. But I think it's the right thing to do."

I looked up from the ground, into his misty sky blue eyes. I would do anything for Troye. Something told me in my heart that maybe getting everyone's blessings could pay off one day. Even so, I did want to see my family and tell them about the wedding, at least. 

"I guess we're going to Michigan."

Troye grinned at me, and I couldn't help returning the smile. 


I suck, I know. I'm sorry I've been off wattpad for so freaking long. WHERE THE HELL HAS TROYLER GONE. I hope they do a collab this month of Auguest. If they don't, I cry. I really really really want to start another fanfic and I have a great idea for it. I'm not sure it will be about troyler though...OOPs. Maybe it will, if my faith in their ship is confirmed again with some sort of interaction between them. I will still always ship them, though. 

I'm not really set on any specific ship for the new fic yet though, if any of yall are dying for a fic about a certain youtube ship then let me know!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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