Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV

It's been two weeks since you found out you was pregnant and your bump has gotten lightly bigger, but it isn't that visible, only when you wear baggy tops.

Today you was finding out the gender of the baby, and you were excited. You decided to tell Haku about the pregnancy after you found out the gender.

You was sat on your bed, ready to find out the gender. Your magic will reveal the gender as you created a magic orb in your hand and setting it free around the room.

It was like stars moving in the sky as it surrounded your stomach, creating a slight tingle in your stomach.

You giggled as the magic turned from red to pink, you gasped in shock and happiness to find out you was having a girl. The magic faded leaving you in a happy state, imagining the future with your daughter.

Haku flew in through the window in his dragon form before transforming. He saw your happy state and chuckled as he walked towards you,
" What's got you in such a happy mood?"

You got up and ran over to him, tackling him into a hug. He was surprised by the action as he hugged back,
" Is everything alright?"

You nodded,
" I have to tell you something that's life changing!"

He gave a curious glance as you gently grabbed his hand as you lifted your shirt up a bit and rested his hand on your bump, his touch sending shivers down your spine.

He gasped in shock at realisation and stared into your E/C eyes,
" Are you saying what I think your saying?"

You squealed and nodded as he tackled you into a hug, causing you to laugh at his reaction. He placed his hand on your bump and chuckled, happy that he has a future daughter.

He led you down and wrapped his arms around you, as he led slightly further down so he could hug your waist and resting his head beside the bump. You giggled as you played with his hair, watching him hug your bump like a teddy bear, but not to tight to harm the child inside.

You knew that he was going to be a great father.

3 months later

Your bump has gotten big and your dew either next month or the month after. Since your a witch, the time for the baby to fully develop it shorter.

Your mother and father were happy that they were going to be grandparents and your sister
was energetic as usual.

You was brushing your hair as Haku was behind you with his arms around you, his hands on your bump. He's been very clingy and overprotective since he found out he was a father, you found it adorable.

He felt her kick inside your stomach causing his eyes to widen slightly in surprise with a massive grin on his face.

Chihiro disappeared after the kiss months ago, and you have no idea were she went, but you didn't care since she's out of the picture.

You giggled at Haku's reaction as you placed the brush on the desk.

He cheered with a happy grin,
" She kicked! She kicked!"

You laughed and held his hands in yours,
" I know she kicked, I felt it and it was quite painful,"

His face turned to concern as he held your hands, his green orbs staring into your E/C ones,
" Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

You chuckled at his reaction, he reminded you of a worried puppy,
" Yes I'm fine, it happens like 2 times a week so I'm used to it,"

He sighed in relief as he nodded, glad that you're okay and the child in your stomach. You've both decided on a name for her and are making it a surprise on the due date, you couldn't wait.

2 months later,

You were due any day now and you could feel your daughter moving every now and then. Your bump was fully developed, leaving you to wear Haku's clothes since yours didn't quite fit over the bump.

You was folding the laundry since your maid was sick, and placed the clothes in your drawer.

A sharp pain emerged in your lower area as a liquid travelled down your legs. You gasped in shock as you held your bump, your contractions beginning to activate.

You screamed in pain, gaining the attention of Haku from the other room. He pulled you into a tight hug, knowing your water broke as your mother ran in.

She used her magic to make you levitate as you laid on the bed, a blanket over your legs. Haku held your hand with a tight squeeze as tears pricked your eyes, your contractions hurt like hell.

A few minutes later, a nurse ran into the room with her box of med stuff. She examined the birth before yelling,
" She's coming out, I need you to push on the count of 3. 1..2..3!"

You pushed as hard as you could as you screamed in pain, you felt like you were being ripped apart. Haku squeezed your hand tightly, trying to calm you down from the pain.

This happened three times and it was one of the worst moments of your life. You sighed in relief as you heard a baby cry and the pain washed away like a river, but that still didn't make the terrible ache leave in your lower area.

The nurse wrapped the baby girl in a pink blanket with blue flowers on and placed her on your chest. You smiled at the sight of your daughter. She had E/C eyes with Haku's colour hair, it was quite short since she's a newborn.

You watched as she chewed her hand with her small, toothless mouth causing you to chuckle. Ignoring your eyes feeling heavy from exhaustion.

Your mother smiled,
" What have you called her?"

You returned the smile,
" Elora Moore,"

You looked at Haku and let out a long yawn,
" I think you should take her before I pass out, I'm tired,"

He chuckled and nodded and held Elora close to his chest, her little body snuggling into his chest. You smiled at the sight before passing out from sleepiness.

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