Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

10 year old Y/n was playing outside the castle gates. Her L/S hair moved gracefully in the wind as she ran. Then a certain figure stopped her from running and gaining her attention to him.

A boy her age was beaten up quite badly. He had long black hair and blue eyes. He had cuts all over him and his clothes ripped slightly. She gasped as he fell to the floor, drifting into consciousness.

She ran over to him and teleported him into her Mother's throne room. She fell to the floor as she sobbed at her Mother,
" Mother! This boy is really hurt,"

She walked over to him, her long black dress dragging on the floor behind her. She knelt down and inspected his wounds,
" He'll survive, it's nothing we can't fix,"

A bright red glow surrounded her hands as she hovered her hand over his cuts. The glow expanded slightly, touching his cuts and bruises skin. His cuts began to heal as did his bruises. She hummed and stood up,
" Take the boy to your room, he can lay on your spare futon,"

She nodded before teleporting to her bedroom before placing him on the futon. After a few minutes, he woke up and looked at his surrounding in confusion.

He asked,
" Where am I?"

She smiled brightly,
" I'm Y/n Moore! Are you okay? You were badly injured when I found you,"

He nodded as he rubbed his head,
" Yeah, I'm Hiroshi, thanks for helping me,"

She giggled,
" Your welcome, mother said you could stay with us for a while, since your body isn't exactly fully healed. She only healed your wounds, not your exhaustion,"

He smiled at her kindness before drifting off to sleep. Ever since that day, Y/n and Hiroshi have been inseparable.

Two years later,

Y/n was sat outside on the grass, wondering where her friend was. Could she even call him a friend? Every time she's near him her heart rate increases and her cheeks turn red. A few hours ago, he kissed her on the cheek and told her to meet here.

Yesterday, he began to blush every time he saw her and Y/n sensed his aura was flustered. Could he like her back?

She sighed, giving up on him. She felt disappointed as she walked around the castle walls. Until she heard a familiar voice, so she decided to listen without them knowing.

" I've gotten her to like me, now what do I do?"
That sounded like Hiroshi's voice.

" You kill her and take her power of course, and blame it on her sister, Juliette. That will sure break her family,"

She couldn't take the news as hot tears rolled down her soft cheeks. She got out her hiding spot and sobbed with heartbreak and anger,
" How dare you Hiroshi! I trusted you! I loved you, you idiot!"

He gasped once they both saw her, and knew she heard their conversation. She felt her heart crack from betrayal, all this time he's been using her to destroy her family.

He gulped nervously,
" Y/n, I thought I told you to meet me in your garden?"

She scoffed,
" That was 2 hours ago! You got one thing right, we're powerful. One thing you forgot, you never mess with my family,"

Her hands began to glow a bloodshot red as they both gasped in fear. Her once E/C turned bright red as the ground began to shake. Hiroshi and his friend tried to attack but felt something sharp in their chest. They looked down to see they had a stick in their chest.

She gritted her teeth in anger, but her tears still remained,
" This is what you get for trying to hurt my family,"

She manipulated their bones, breaking both their necks as their bodies dropped on the floor. She eyes turned back to their normal colour and her powers faded as she dropped to her knees in a sobbing mess.

She heard a sigh,
" Y/n dear, I'm sorry for what you had to do,"

She looked up to see her Father walking towards her. He knelt down to her height and pulled her into a hug.

He exclaimed,
" Let's go and tell your Mother,"

She nodded before teleporting them both into the throne room. Her mother sat in her throne, her piercing red eyes landing on both Y/n and her Father.

She asked,
" What's going on with you?"

She cleared her throat,
" Hiroshi, he betrayed us. I overheard him talking about how he would break our family by making me love him. It worked, and it hurts so much. I killed them both, so the problem is over,"

She got up and walked over to her before kneeling down and wiping her tears. Queen Morgana sighed as you looked at her with tear stained cheeks.

She spoke,
" Love is weakness, especially with someone so young. Let's change that,"

Y/n looked confused as her mother's hands glowed red before placing her hand on her daughter's chest.

Y/n felt numb as she felt her power overwhelming her heart. She gasped at the feeling as her body began to shake. It was as if someone was ripping out her heart.

After a few minutes, the pain stopped as her power faded.

Queen Morgana hummed in response,
" There, I've put a spell on you. If you fall in love again, your heart will slowly crack until it breaks entirely. The power in your heart now will sense the love and take it out on your heart, I'm sorry my child but I'm not risking my heir to have weaknesses,"

Y/n looked at the ground as she held her chest to where her heart is. She couldn't believe her mother did this, but that was to be expected from the Queen of witches.

King Stephan sighed, feeling sympathy for Y/n,
" Alright, let's get you to bed. The spell would have drained your energy,"

That day, Y/n made sure to never fall in love again.

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