Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

You gulped nervously as you held your stomach,
" I'm pregnant?? I'm happy but I don't know how Haku will react. Will he accept being or father?!"

You began to freak out as your uncle chuckled,
" He should have thought that before you guys did the deed, I'm sure he'll accept you, I've not met him but by the sound of it he's a good guy,"

You smiled at the memories of you two together,
" He is, I love him with all my heart,"

He nodded,
" Good, and also I forgot to mention that the pregnancy of a witch is around 3- 5 months, "

You stood there dumbfounded,
" What?! I thought it was 9 months!"

He shook his head,
" Nope, that's a human pregnancy, from the magic in your veins it causes the baby to grow quicker. You'll find out the gender in two weeks or so,"

You nodded and sighed,
" Alright and thank you for helping me, I'll be on my way now,"

He nodded and waved before you teleported with the dragon plushie in your grasp.

Haku's POV:

It's been a week since Y/n left and it's been a long one. Since the spirit world's time goes a lot faster than the humans, it's been an awkward week.

Chihiro has been non stop flirting with me and at some point becomes touchy, or tries to. I'm beginning to think about what Y/n said about her hiding something, because this was not the Chihiro I knew years ago.

I was walked out of the bathouse, hoping to see Y/n teleport anytime now. I've been doing this for days, and always get the same result. I sat on a massive rock beside the bridge and sighed, wondering when she'll come back.

" Are you okay Haku?"

I mentally groaned at the voice, knowing it's Chihiro. Her presence has been quite irritating lately, she's that bad I had to talk to Y/n's sister and mother for advice! They just told me to push her away, but I didn't have the guts.

She sat beside me, to close for my liking, and moved a strand of my hair out of my face before placing it behind my ear. I flinched slightly at her touch, causing her to giggle.

She spoke,
" I've been watching and admiring you lately, you've grown quite attractive over the years,"

She forcefully turned my head towards her and smashed her lips against mine. I gasp in shock as I tried to pull away, but her grip just got tighter.

After a few seconds, I pushed her away and gave her an angry look,
" What the hell Chihiro?! I'm with someone else,"

She chuckled and pointed behind you,
" That someone else doesn't seem happy right now,"

My eyes widened when I saw Y/n standing there with tears in her eyes. Her bright E/C eyes were now dull and full of tears. Her fists clenched before running away.

I ran after her as my heart rate increased, guilt and anger was all I could feel. Chihiro ruined everything, and for that I despise her.

We ran into an ally and I managed to grab hee wrist as tears formed in my eyes,
" Y/n? It wasn't what it looked like, She just -"

She interrupted me,
" She was kissing you, I gathered that, just leave me alone Haku,"

Y/n's POV:

You was so mad and heartbroken that you couldn't even look at him anymore. You saw the pain in his eyes and you tried to persuade yourself it was an accident, but the truth never lies.

He sobbed,
" Use your power again to see if I'm feeling the truth, I know you think I am but you're refusing,"

You sighed, knowing he's right and let your power flow through you and into your hands. A ball of magic appeared in your hands as you touched his temples, trying to dig in what happened.

Then you saw it, the forced kiss and Haku waiting for you everyday. It made your heart warm up as you let go.

He pulled you into a tight hug, with his arms wrapped around your waist and face buried into your neck.

He exclaimed,
" I'll never break your heart, no matter who they are, I'll always chose you,"

You nodded as you teleported into your room in the palace, tired of the journey. He picked you up bridal style and placed you on your bed before wrapping you in a big blanket.

He led beside you with his arm around your waist, causing you to suck in a breath. You remembered that you were pregnant and there's a little bump, it's not visible though thank goodness.

Your eyes went heavy as you turned and buried your face into his chest before falling into darkness.

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