I think it was time for me to leave, I removed the pendant that my mother had made me worn.
This was basically one of her last memories that I possessed that reminded me about her.
I slowly and silently placed it on her neck.
I moved out of her room only to look  at her through the window before disappearing from the scene.
I wondered if I loved her ?
I shook my head, it is true that I was indeed attracted towards her.
But, I'm not yet in love, I'm falling for sure.
She has my mother's eyes.
Eyes that held both the fire to achieve and the ache for love.
I will make sure to provide that to her.
I will make sure that I will remove the void in her life.
However, now I will taking the step to conquer the world and be the King of it.
And she will be the queen of it !!
Author's pov
Little did he know that she does not need a man to make her a queen.
For a fact she is a King herself.

Rachana's pov
I sighed looking at hidden workboard that had all the details regarding kgf.
It has been a week since I met Rocky at the Bell Hotel, I have restricted or per se emotionally blackmailed not to step a foot out of the house.
I looked at the entrance of  my  home through my window to find it guarded with Desai's men.
I shook my head looking at the scene, this was Reena's doing.

After the recent debacle at the Bell Hotel, Reena took the whole house to her head

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After the recent debacle at the Bell Hotel, Reena took the whole house to her head. She was absolutely furious that he and his guards couldn't protect her and and me against Rocky. She even threatened to break the engagement with Kamal and humiliated him regarding his inability to protect us from rocky.
Since then , I have been locked up in this house and guarded by Desai's men who just looked rugged and creepy.
I looked the board once again, the only concrete and the weakest link is Rocky whose identity and whereabouts is anonymous.
I have to find out about him that too immediately.
I knew the "owners" of kgf were planning something big, which definitely involves Rocky.
It was high time that I stepped out of the house.
I'm going to find who this Rocky ?
And, regarding what he has been called to Bangalore?
I immensely grabbed my journal and pen , and stuffed inside my bag and headed towards the entrance.
Only to be stopped by pair of hands which I recognised, Reena.

I glared at her in response, I had enough I'm not going to tolerate or comply of been locked up in this house more day

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I glared at her in response, I had enough I'm not going to tolerate or comply of been locked up in this house more day.
I was capable of taking care of myself and for some reason I knew it believed that Rocky would not hurt me.
"Leave my hands Reena, I will be safe. You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself.
You have to give that to me, at least." I replied as I turned towards her.
"I know you can, but that Rocky or whoever he is , is just bad company. I don't want you to be hurt. I get that I can't lock you up here but you definitely have some protection with you ? Don't you think ?"she pouted looking at me and signalled four of her man to step forward.
I looked at her again and sighed , I definitely can't or have the energy to win another argument against her.
I shook my head in approval, " Fine, I don't mind the company of them. But, they will start at least 2 Meters away from me and there is no compromise in this!"I exclaimed as I clutched my bag tightly as I moved out of the mansion.
I sat in my car and headed towards the Bell Hotel, I'm certain that there will be some information regarding his identity in the hotel disk, even if it turned out to be fake, I might encounter the driver who dropped him there.
Drivers tend to always loiter around the hotel , to find customers who were either travelling to airport or the Raiway station .

Drivers tend to always loiter around the hotel , to find customers who were either travelling to airport or the Raiway station

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I immediately stopped the car when I reached the destination.
I looked at the surroundings to find it normal, business professionals, college students,tourists were moving in and out of the hotel.
It seemed normal, I didn't want to alert him.
I certainly didn't want him finding out that I was  investigating about him.
I went to the hotel desk and started looking through the check-out book only for it to be snatched by the receptionist.
I glared at her, I immediately signalled the men who were following me within 200 meter proximity to threaten her.
Ugh, the things we have to in order to find the truth!!
They immediately raised the weapons they had in possession to scare her, obviously it worked.
She slowly released the book, I smirked looking at her.
I immediately looked back at the book and searched for his name, a page caught my attention.
It was him, I immediately looked at the checked out column only to be shocked and disappointed.
He had left the premise at least six hours ago.
No this can't be happening he was my only certain clue.
And that wasn't the only reason, I missed him.
I immediately rushed towards the taxi stand, I took out the sketch that I had drawn and hoped that they will be able to recognise him and give some information regarding his whereabouts.
I moved from one driver to another relentlessly only to receive negative responses, although some of them remembered looking at him.
They had no clue regarding his current whereabouts.
I was losing hope, I have been conversing with the drivers for about a hour, it was getting dark.
I thought of going towards the airport, only to be stopped by a voice calling out to me .
"Madam, I was the one who dropped sir at the Airport. He asked you to continue to wear the pendant on your neck and that it will be memorabilia of him until he returns."The driver exclaimed and pointed towards my neck.
What was he talking about ?

I immediately looked at my neck to find a pendant lying on my neck

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I immediately looked at my neck to find a pendant lying on my neck.I remembered him clutching the pendant the other day when he was taking about the power of a mother.
It was his mother's, I presume.
This means it was definitely him, I held the end of the pendant tightly in my fist.
How did he know that I will look for him ?
Where was he going ?
How is he connected and associated with the "owners" of kgf ?
Realisation hit me , He was going to Bombay.
He is the weapon against Garuda.
A shiver went past my spine.

Promo:Rachana finding more about Rocky.

Unrelated to this !
Love this edit ♥️!

Hi guys I have updated the fourth chapter of KGF the alternate !
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
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Photos credit: Google
Word count:  1494 words
Stay home ♥️
Stay safe ♥️

Photos credit: GoogleWord count:  1494 wordsStay home ♥️Stay safe ♥️

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