"Are you going to tell anyone?" he asks coolly, his arms folded crossly.

"No," Giselle immediately replies, the words spilling from her lips. "Of course not. I swear on my life,"

"Good," he says before turning to look at her, a lock of dark hair falling in front of his face. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit," she admits, leaning against the heavy table. "I don't suppose you've got a shower hidden in this bat cave of yours, do you?"

Bruce scoffs at her weak joke and pops a blueberry into his mouth from the bowl of fruit sitting on the table.

"You can use mine," he states before leading her down the hallway.

Twenty minutes later, Giselle has scrubbed every last drop of blood, sweat, and tears from her body in an attempt to erase the night before. She has to resort to using Bruce's shower products, but she now smells fresh and clean. Giselle enjoys the smell, savors it even.

As she steps out of the larger than life shower, she grabs the towel that Bruce had given her. However, as she wraps the fluffy black towel around her body, she realizes she has nothing left to wear but Ashley's club dress. Nervously, Giselle cracks the door of the bathroom open and clears her throat.

"Um—Bruce?" she calls out tentatively. The door leads to his bedroom, which is dark and minimal in decoration. He's standing by the window with a guarded expression, and turns around tentatively.

"Do you have anything else, I could maybe—er—wear?"

He silently nods before swiftly reaching into his drawer and pulling out a dark, faded t-shirt. Giselle's heart skips a beat as she opens to door wider to take the shirt from him. As she does, she notices Bruce's eyes graze over her cleavage and chest that still has drops of water clinging to it. He quickly averts his gaze to the floor before handing her the clothing and turning around.

Giselle murmurs a thank you and shuts the bathroom door. She walks over to the mirror to observe the wound on her temple. With a bit of hair placed in front of it, it's nearly unnoticeable. Meanwhile, her hand is raw yet scabbed enough so that it will not bleed. Giselle dries off before she slips the t-shirt on over her head. She lifts the fabric up to her nose to inhale the smell of fresh detergent and a hint of his musky cologne.

Soon enough, Giselle is seated in Bruce's actual 'bat cave'. It's meticulously organized and has lots of high-tech machines and computers. Above her, she can hear the squeaking of actual bats fluttering around. Bruce is reviewing footage of the latest murder of Pete Savage while she listens from a few feet away.

"Why do you trust me?" Giselle blurts out. Bruce pauses the video and turns to look at her inquisitively. Bruce ponders her question for a moment, pausing the footage.

"You didn't give away Annika's identity to the press last night. You chose to help her, and instead managed to nearly get yourself killed in the process,"

Behind the mask, she was beginning to realize Bruce was incredibly smart and observant.

"Not to mention, I have saved your life twice now," Bruce adds before turning back the monitor screen with the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"But I'm a journalist—I literally get paid to report the juiciest gossip I can find," she continues, jumping off her stool to get a better view of the footage. "Doesn't that bother you?"

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