Chapter 14: My rings?

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Welp my dick is hard. You did that to yourself. Yes I know..stupid brain.

"Okay, just stay here. I am literally going to the other side of the car..." I said while buckling up the runway. She nodded her head, okay, I'm just going to close the door and run to the other side.

That's exactly what I did I ran to the other side. When I got in she tried to act like she wasn't just trying to pull on the door. My little runaway.

"I have work." She tried to lie, "no you don't." I said glancing over to see her picking her nails.

I gave her my hand letting her play with it, it felt good so I was sooo not complaining.

"His rings are cool." She mumbled to herself. "My rings?" I asked looking over to see her blushing.

Better be my rings, any guy or girl that even touches her I will make them choke on their own blood. She nodded her head making me sigh in relief.

"Take one." I encouraged "No." She whispered. "Just grab it, and take it."

"No, it looks like it's on there kinda good.."she said trying to look anywhere but my hands.

"Aria, baby. Take the fucking ring." I have been trying to give her my ring with a snake carving in it, but this stubborn women won't take it. I want people to know who has her. And that's she's taken, even though she doesn't know it yet.

I won, after a few minutes, she took the ring!

"I made a friend today! Actually two friends." She said excitedly, but soon turned shy and looked down embarrassed, I tapped her chin making her look up.

"That's great mio caro. I'm very proud of you." I touched her hand making her shoulders drop.

"Yeah their names are Alice, and Andrew." I stiffened at the name Andrew.

"Oh that's great, are they nice?" I said trying to keep calm. She's not yours yet.

"Yeah Andrew holds my hand and puts his arm around my shoulders, he is super cute, and super sweet." She gushed about a boy. Mental note: kill this Andrew kid.

"So like this...?" I said grabbing her hand and interlocking our fingers.

"Yeah, Um, like that." Her breathing was coming out in short pants. Making me smirk. I affect her.

When we got to the location, which was a small club, I could see Arias face turn into horror.

"It's okay, I have to meet a friend and then we can leave okay.? And if you ever feel uncomfortable just tap me and we will leave, understand." I said sternly trying to be a little gentle, but I need to make sure she doesn't feel unsafe, or unheard.

She nodded, "Aria. Words please." I said tilting her head upwards to see her eyes.

"Yes, I understand." I smiled softly. "Good." I got out running to the other side to open her door.

"I need some Id." The 'bodyguard' said he was shorter than me and looked like a total dick. And he kept glancing at Arias chest.

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