Oh yeah, because she's seeing him today. For the first time in months, she was going to see him again and with Freydis on his arm. but it doesn't matter, it's going to be all about alfred tonight.

The doorbell rang, and she finished putting on the heels before walking to the door and opening it. Alfred looked like a prince, with his black suit and a flower on his hand. A sunflower. It made her smile more than it was socially acceptable.

"Hi" she waved at him "You look good" she winked at him, Alfred chuckled and blushed softly.

"Hello" he nodded politely "You look..." he stopped to look at her in the eye and sighed "Absolutely beautiful"

She looked down, blushing "Thank you"

Alfred smiled and took her hand, making her twirl and giggle.

"This is for you" he gave her the sunflower. She bit her lip and took it.

"You're always giving me flowers"

"Because you deserve them" he shrugged "Are you ready?"

She nodded. Taking the purse she left next to the door and checking she had everything.

"Okay" she sighed "Let's go"


As soon as stella got out of the car someone covered her eyes. She laughed and grabbed his arms to avoid losing her balance.

"Hvitserk" she put his hands away and turned to look at him "Look at you! You look nice"

He did look nice. His blonde hair was braided and the suit looked good on him, it made his green eyes stand out.

"You look very nice too" he winked at her, his flirtatious smirk made her roll her eyes "Nice dress, who chose it?"

"Someone with a very good taste, obviously" she laughed "Are we late?"

Hvitserk turned to greet Alfred. The both of them weren't exactly friends, but thanks to stella they were at least civil with each other and she was more than happy with that.

"You're just on time" he sighed "The guests are starting to get in" he pointed at the small path adorned with flowers and wooden decorations that entered the forest "Ubbe is already there, he's surprisingly relaxed, considering the fact he's marrying Torvi" Hvitserk muttered the last part and stella raised an eyebrow.

"I would like to say hello to Ubbe before the ceremony starts" said Alfred with a small smile. He was very close to Ubbe, and worked with him frequently. You could say Ubbe was his favorite Lothbrok, and stella couldn't blame him.

Hvitserk nodded and stepped back.

"I have to look for my brother, he told me he was close" he explained "But go, I'll catch you later"

My brother, Hvitserk now only referred to Ivar as 'his brother', noticing how stella sometimes flinched when she heard his name, even if it was just because the thought of him startled her.

She grabbed Alfred's arm and hoped she wouldn't fall with the heels, he seemed to think the same, because he held her tightly.

"are you getting drunk tonight?" Stella teased with a small smile. Alfred shook his head but laughed.

"Maybe" he raised an eyebrow "But only if you drink with me"

"Obviously" she rolled her eyes "On the last wedding I went to, Hvitserk, Ivar and I stole a bottle of tequila and got drunk on the car while listening to my favorite playlist"

"Wow" he laughed again "Okay, I'll try to keep up with you then"

There was a lot of people at the clearing already. She remembered Ubbe's first wedding, the first one she attended to with Ivar. He looked more relaxed now, and happier.

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