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Note ***There was some confusion over which language the characters and Y/n are speaking in this story, so I'll try to clarify:
· Since I was too lazy to write a part where Y/n has to learn Japanese, just assume she can already speak both English and Japanese.
· When a sentence is underlined it will mean she is speaking English.
Sorry for causing confusion!! Please point out anything else that could be improved :)***
- the author

Ooookay this is a longer chapter, tell me if its going too slow or if I'm rambling too much!




You immediately clamped your mouth shut.

Fuck Y/n, you should've read enough fanfiction to know not to call out someone's name before they tell you.

... but wait, this is a really realistic dream.

"Do I know you?" The man who is the sensei of the main character in the Demon Slayer anime seemed surprised. He spoke Japanese, and weird enough, you understood it.

"Uh hi! Nice cosplay," You replied in fluent Japanese that you were somehow suddenly able to speak. You we're so freaked out by the dark forest and the goblin mask you hadn't recognized the character the man was cosplaying, how embarrassing. But you were confused on why this man, who was in his fifties would know about Demon Slayer.

You realized that you should probably ask for directions,"Oh also do you happen to know where this is? I'm kinda lost."

"This is Mount Sagiri." The man replied, "I am Urokodaki Sakonji, but you seem to know that already."

"Wait... You're not a cosplayer?"

"... What?"

"You're actually Urokodaki? What are you doing outside the manga book- I mean in the 21st century?" You asked. 

The man seemed confused, "This is the nineteenth century, the Taisho Era."

"No look," You pulled out your phone to show him the date, "It's clearly not- DECEMBER 1914???!!!"

That was it, you toppled backwards and fell on on your ass. Your head was jumbled with thoughts and confusion, what's going on?? UGH WAKE UP! Please, just wake up!!

You know what, I'm probably dreaming, that was the only thought that was keeping you sane right now. So for now, you might as well just play along and have a good time until you wake up. You were dreaming right? Right???

But you knew better, you could smell the scent of leaves and mud, the ground felt sturdy under your feet... Everything was real.

You squeezed you eyes shut and slapped yourself.

"OW!" Your cheek heated up and your hand stung. 

"You don't seem to be from around these parts." The old man decided to disregard the fact that you just committed self harm and scanned you up and down and decided.

"I-I'm not." You replied in Japanese, thank your brain for functioning. Your glad that you were the type of person to be able to react to unexpected situations fairly well. So after the initial shock, your started figuring everything out.

I was most likely isekai'd into the world of Demon Slayer, like in those fan fictions... It's the only possible explanation for this. Which means there are demons out there that would most likely kill me. But I'm safe for now since Urokodaki is a former Hashira.

i still don't know how i got here (KNY x modern reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant