33: The Great Escape

Start from the beginning

Aizawa nodded and typed the number in, holding it up to his ear. He really had no clue who this would call. Yuji was 'assosiates' with half the city and an enemy to the other. It could be anyone on the other end. 

"Heya. What's up and who's calling?" A cheerful voice asked. A young man, it appeared. 

"I'm calling on behalf of Ghost. He's missing and we need help finding him." Aizawa explained. The other end went silent. 

"Missing? For how long?" "At least 18 hours now.". 

Aizawa could hear the sharp intake of breath the man took. "Fuck. Alright, I'll start looking. Do you have a general idea?". 

"No one knows where he was patrolling when he went missing or exactly when he went missing. Although the usual suspects of that Piero gang are at the top of the list.". 

"Fuck those clown bastards." The man said, "Alright. I'll start searching. Can we file a police report or do you not know who he is Eraserhead?". 

"The police report has been filed." Aizawa said before pausing. "Wait, how do you know who I am?". 

"Well you've worked with Ghost a lot. I just figured it was you." The man said, his voice cheerful and pretty carefree. "Besides, I've worked with you too you know.". 

Aizawa paused, confused. 

"Who am I talking to?" He asked, not really in the mood for games. 

"Oh, can you really not tell? Its me, Hawks. I owe Ghost one after-you know what I'm not gonna get into that right now. I'll just start looking, okay?". With that the number two hero hung up. 

Aizawa stared at his phone in shock for a second. 

"Do you think whoever you were talking to will be able to help us?" Midoriya asked, his eyes wide and hopeful. 

"Yeah." Aizawa said, almost numb from shock, "I think they can.". 

------------ ----------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------ 

"So where is your gear?" Hado asked. 

"Two rooms to the right on a wooden chair in the-" He paused for a moment, listening for the scrape of the chair, "left corner.". 

"How do you know?". The officer's tone was stern, like he didn't believe Yuji. 

"Cause I can hear them." The teen replied blankly. "You can either trust me and get my shit or Fujiwara's hand will be bandaged up before we can escape and we'll both get shot.". 

"I thought your quirk was superstrength.". 

"You were wrong about everything else." Yuji said, not wasting intonation on the weirdo. 

The choice was simply. Sighing, the officer walked over to the door. He cast one last glance at Yuji before ducking into the hallway to retrieve the bag. 

So Yuji stayed in the room, still tied to the bar with his ankles cuffed together in front of him, unable to move. Great. 

He really wished he was able to pull the action hero thing and say that he wasn't scared of fighting his way out of there because he had nothing to lose, but he had everything to lose. 

His moms. Shota and Hizashi. Izuku and Katsuki. Izunami, Saito and Miyazaki. Everyone he had met at U.A. 

He had a whole life to lose. 

So when he heard a bunch of clown goons walking up the stairs, looking for the police officer, he made an easy decisions.

"Hey assholes let me out of this shit! You'll pay for this!" He shouted smugly. Immediately they started laughing and detoured to the room he was being held in, right at the top of the stairs. 

"Hope you like eating through a straw punk." The first one said, winding up to punch Yuji in the face. 

"Well I like smoothies as much as the next guy-" 

Hado waited until he was sure the clown goons had gone downstairs to leave the room with his arms full of Ghost's gear. There was a shit ton of it, but he figured they'd need to pull every trick in the book to get out of the place. 

It was strange to have switched sides so quickly. Ghost was his ally now. 

It made him feel even more conflicted about his plan to arrest him at the end of this. He was just a kid, and not even a bad kid. If he had just been a normal kidnapped kid Hado would have sat his parents down and said they should be more than proud of him. 

Instead Ghost's parents would learn where their kid had been for all those hours when they learned he had been taken into police custody. 

Shaking the thoughts away to focus on the moment, he entered the room. The sight he was met with made him cringe. 

"Look away if it bothers you so much." Yuji spat out, his words full of venom and contempt. 

He wasn't vain, but he didn't like people seeing him like this. Bruised up, bloody. Something was definitely broken now, and it was his left rib, second from the bottom. The feeling was impossible to ignore and so was the pain. 

"Kid..." The officer said, horrified by the state of the literal child in front of him. 

"What did I just tell you?" Yuji snapped. Hado closed his mouth and nodded. Now wasn't the time for this. 

He rooted around in the bag before producing a small padded case meant for a razor that, inside, held the tiny rotating bone saw. 

"Hold still." He told the teen as he got to work. If only he had used his own cuffs, he didn't have the key for these ones, nor did he had the skill to pick them. 


Gotta say, Yuji being genuinely angry isn't something we usually see. The last time he was really upset, when the Aizawa clone showed up and the villains attacked the real Aizawa on his own, he had a sort of sadistic way of showing he was upset with them. 

But now he's just so angry at the fact that Hado is the reason he was kidnapped and now has to help him get out of it because he was dumb and trusted literal criminals. 

Also yeah, Hawks owes Yuji a favor. For what, we may never know. 😉

Yuji's met a lot more bnha characters than anyone thinks he has, I'll just say that. The kid knowns everything about everyone, so he gets around. 

Fun fact, this is the first chapter in which the gang's name is ever mentioned. I went back to double check that and yeah, I never referred to them by the name I came up with. They go by the Piero Group, because Piero, as well as being a type of clown, is just the japanese word for clown. 

Its not creative or anything, its just weird I forgot to put it in there before now 😅

Head to the second chapter of the double update right now! ----------->

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