First Love

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Yes, our story didn't have a happy ending,
But the memories we made were the most beautiful one,
The way you used to secretly glance at me,
Or the way you indirectly talked to me through my friends,
I miss every little thing we ever did,
All our stupid games and the times we played around,
The first time we went on a movie date,
And all the other memories,
I still remember that one time you fought with your friend to protect me,
Whenever I was around you there wasn't a time when I didn't feel butterflies,
Even your slightest touch never failed to make me dizzy,
All those little motivating line you said always filled me with courage,
But now without you I feel incomplete,
I feel numb and devastated,
Our relationship took the most unexpected turn,
I felt sabotaged by the fact that we had to end this beautiful bond which we had,
Maybe we weren't destined together,
Maybe destiny had its own plans to separate us,
Maybe this was the end of us.

Posted after quite a long time hope you'll like it 😊. Have a great day ahead.

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