Discovering Self-Love

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I just stayed there,
Drowned in the ocean of my thoughts,
My hope withering like the petals of a flower,
I just stood there on the bridge looking at my reflection,
My face had scars from my past,
My eyes resemling my broken heart,

I waited on the bridge as the seasons passed by,
For someone to hold me in their warm embrace,
To fix the broken pieces of my heart,
I saw my reflection again,
But there was a difference,
It smiled at me,
And I saw all the scars being washed away like dirt from a bright gem,
It embraced me in its warmth or so I thought.

It taught me to love myself rather than waiting for someone else,
It taught me to uplift myself through the lowest parts of my life,
It helped me to stand upright through the storms in my mind,
It taught me that I'm strong enough even without anyone by my side.

Like the flowers blooming in spring,
My hope was restoring in me,
Loving myself was one was one of the best thing that I taught myself,
I found the one person I was waiting for throughout my life within me.

The queen within me found her crown of pride and the wings that showed guiding light,
I followed the path that was guided to me by the light of my wings,
I soared high up in the sky,
I never gave up on myself and stood there supporting myself through my highs and lows,
I fell in love with who I am,
I fell in love with myself,
For I am who I am and I am beautiful the way I am.

Never think that you are weak for you are strong and beautiful just the way you are. Take care of yourself as the most precious person in the world and i promise you're gonna be grateful to yourself in the future. Love y'all❤️.

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