This Date Just Got a Little More Interesting...

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"Oh, there's no one here! Plus, people come here to have s.εメ all the time!" He exclaimed.

"Why would someone want to have s.εメ on dirt and grass? And run down park equipment?" He questioned after some thought.

"Because of the adrenaline of knowing that they're doing something wrong. The tempting thought of the humiliation they would go through when a random stranger happened upon them in their weakest, most vulnerable state."

"Sound like you've done this before? You seem to know a lot about it" Patton said suspiciously.

"Well...I haven't done anything with someone else.." Janus smirked.

"Don't tell me you...." Patton made a jacking off motion. Janus just smiled slyly and Patton gasped. Well..he supposed that it wasn't too much of a shock. Why wouldn't Janus do that?

They continued to walk, stopping every so often to look at some animals like squirrels and worms and birds!

"Hey, Patton, stay hydrated, it's hit out today" Janus smiled, knowing Patton was forgetting about himself in favor of looking at the animals and climbing rocks.

"Oh yeah!" He said, taking his water out of his bag, and chugging about half of it before remembering about his need. He watched Janus, and saw that he'd been drinking periodically all day, because he had three empty water bottles already.

He didn't know how he had to pee and Janus didn't, because he had drank way more. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that Patton hadn't gone before they left, and Janus had.

Patton was forced, both by Janus and the heat, to drink more water though, so after about an hour, he was catching up with Janus.

"JANUS LOOK OUT!" Patton screamed with a gasp, almost needing to hold himself from the sudden burst of fear, and Janus quickly jumped away from his spot,where he was about to climb a rock, "you almost stepped on the snail!" He pouted.

"Are you kidding me?! You gave me a heart attack for that?" Janus hissed.

"Payback" Patton giggled, "also...that snail doesn't look too good" he frowned.

"Well," Janus began, "that rock is burning hot, and out in this heat unprotected by shade, snails surely ill die, but being on a burning hot rock? Almost guaranteed."

"Oh no! Can we move it? Or will that disrupt its life or something..?" He asked.

"Well, we can pick it up and save it, just make sure to out it nearby...hurry, grab it very gently" Janus said, looking around. He saw a patch of damp, cool dirt under a shady tree, where other snails were hanging out, "Patton! I think I found their family! Looks like that one's a baby. These snails look incredibly similar, i'm sure of it."

Patton set the snail down by the nearby patch of dirt, and the snails seem to be happy, as the mother snail slowly made its way to its baby, and snuggled up to it with her neck.

"Awee!" Patton whispered, "she's hugging her baby!! Do you think they're hungry?!" He asked.

"Well, snails eat just about everything as they're herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. They eat things like..worms, decayed animal remains, fruits, leaves, grass, etc."

" know a lot about animals! Especially the slimy bois!" Patton exclaimed, giggling as he gathered a few leaves, nearby berries, and worms. He put them in front of the snails and watched as they went over to nip at it. "Aweee!" He squee'd.

Janus chuckled, "c'mon, Patton. Let's continue." He smiled.

"Okay!" He exclaimed, beginning to skip again before halting to a stop. He really had to go now. He leaned against a nearby tree and crossed his legs, trying to look nonchalant.

"Patton, are you coming?" Janus asked, before wriggling his eyebrows.

"Stop that or i'm taking your twitter privileges away!" Patton gasped as he realized the joke.

"No i've been hanging out with Remus too much!" He smirked.

Patton didn't really care for conversation at the moment, because his bladder was growing increasingly uncomfortable by the moment.

"Yeah, c'mon, there are some flower bushes up ahead, I know you like flowers" Janus smiled.

Patton could tell Janus..he knew Janus wouldn't judge him or anything, they've been boyfriends for so long. It was less a worry about embarrassment and more a worry about how there wasn't a toilet around and he didn't want to ruin their date.

He took a shallow breath as he hunched over to appease his bladder, "Jan? I have to pee" he whined.

He began to panic, before realizing, "Pat, we're basically in the woods, the world is your toilet" Janus smirked.

"Oh yeah!" Patton exclaimed, quickly going down the trail, he had to find a good coverage spot. He shifted from foot to foot as he looked around. The idea of relief was overwhelming to his bladder, which was begging for release.

Angels seemed to sing as Patton laid his eyes on two huge, perfect bushes, and quickly ran over there, his bladder jolting and jiggling with every step. He quickly undid his belt and unzipped, pulling himself out of his pants as soon as he got there, just in time as his heavy spray watered the bush, making a puddle at his feet, before he gained some control and was able to aim into the bush.

He sighed in relief, throwing his head back as he shifted around and gained more speed.

Janus just blushed a little bit, and felt kinda awkward just standing there watching. The sound of Patton's piss pitter pattering on the ground made him realize quickly that all of the water that he'd had was quickly catching up with his bladder.

Patton's stream tampered off after a couple of minutes, and soaked into the damp dirt.

"Whew! All done" Patton smiled, shaking off before looking at his boyfriend's pose. His legs were twisted together, and he was shifting around. "Jan, do you have to go too?" Patton giggled.

Janus nodded, before quickly hiding behind the bush and doing the same thing that Patton had.

"Awe, you shoulda told me! We could have peed together" he giggled again.


For @NevaehMiller808

Words: 1727

Sanders Sides Omorashi/Pissfic! RE UPLOADED!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz