werey so ur even online 😂

SonOfOrenuga🦅: sure na😂

Fkay🙂: we could stop by at WingIt cus I'm craving spicy chicken wings right now😫

Toni⛹️‍♀️🏀: u saying chicken wings is already making me hungry sha

R.C👑: babe ur hungry 90% of the time😂💔

Crackhead😜😚: can't disagree

Toni⛹️‍♀️🏀: assholes😑

R.C👑: we love you too❤

Fkay🙂: so WingIt?👀

Bami💜: sounds like a plan. Time?

DeinB🤗💕: see y'all at WingIt by 2:30🚶‍♀️

With that, I turned off my phone and dropped it on the bed. I sat up, rubbing my eye and looked around my room. It was a mess and I had no choice but to clean it if I didn't want trouble with my brother.

Thirty minutes later and I was strolling down the stairs, my phone in my hand as I scrolled through Instagram. It was already a few minutes past 2 so I had a few more minutes to kill before I drove down to WingIt.

"Where to?" I looked up to see my elder brother Darey, staring at me with a raised brow, a console in his hands.

Darey and I were the only siblings of my parents. I never knew my mom and my dad was, well, busy so it was just the both of us in the house 98% of the time. Darey was a university student. His school wasn't that far from home so he was mostly around. P-man sent us monthly allowances though so it was cool.

"Well my friends and I were bored so we decided to meet up at WingIt and then go to that new mall that they opened not long ago" I said, making my way to sit on the couch beside him and grabbing a console. He had a bag of chips beside him so I decided to help myself.

"Ah I see. Kunle would be there?" He asked, using the console to start a new game.

"He's my best bud," I laughed, eating the chips. "When is he not?"

"Hm so tell me about these new friends of yours cause as far as I'm concerned, you don't really go out with 'friends'" he said, airquoting the friends.

"Well thank you for giving me a reality check on how boring my life is" I grumbled.

He was right though. I was either at home, Adekunle's place or in school. I didn't fancy the highkey cruise life. I was a chill at home person.

"So the friends?" He asked me again as we started the game.

"Well apart from Adekunle, there are six girls and-" before I could even finish talking, he had already paused the game, swerved in his seat and was now looking at me, gawking.

"Bro!" I exclaimed, shooting my hands up.

"Girls" he simply said and I turned to look at him with a duh expression.

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