Boredom is a crime

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Everything is white. It's been like that for a while and it is absolutely horrendous. Any time I'm anywhere near the unfinished walls that are next to nature, I wish to take out my eyeballs. How could something so white reflect so much light?

It's just so plain, so white. The grass was better, at least it was colourful unlike the abomination that's snow. It didn't even have nice texture just a lot of crunch. Even I can't eat it, because it would melt in organism and make me miserable.

That's only one aspect I dislike about winter. Gems are more sluggish so that means they are clumsy. Well I'm not that much affected by this weird phenomenon, but oh well. Even the action as keeping their eyes open is hard. At least that's how Red Diamond described it to me. I could tell. Their shine was duller so that's disheartening.

One day they were so tired I just took them to a dark corner and let them rest. Worked like a charm. As they were sound asleep, I went away to bother Flourite. Haven't really talked to them so this might be a great opportunity.

Walking down the cold halls, I'm reminded by the fact I can walk less whacky now. I haven't fallen down on the ground in nearly ten minutes! If that isn't the epitome of praise then, I will punch someone.

I stopped at an entryway that can be called a door to see inside Flourite looking tired. Wow. Is this a natural phenomenon? Maybe, I should ask Sensei about this.

Stepping inside with zero shame I plopped down next to Flourite with a mini bang. From the small bang it seemed it was a little too much force as Flourite's face cracked. My eyes widened in horror. I forgot that they were hardness 4!

"You should be more careful around me, you know. Not everyone can handle your brashness." Flourite looked at me not even flinching at the cracks.

I looked at them carefully still not able to talk. I was told it's alright that I'm not unable to talk, but I can see the way its affecting others. Even if it's in tiny ways. They could probably see that on my face.

They sighed, "If you feel so bad then help me put back the shards in." The resignation in their eyes was obvious. I bet they thought it was better to just let me help then to 'hear' my thoughts on the matter.

I was about to reach for the shards that were in Flourite's lap until they gently pushed my arm away. "Do you not remember that you're a hardness 9? You will damage the pieces without protection."

A blank stare followed. Really? How unsurprising. I looked around their bare room to see if there's anything I could use to pick up the pieces. While I was being quite an air head, they already picked up their pieces and stood up with grace.

As Flourite started walking I clumsily followed with effort. Moving around with our bodies is still a baffling experience I don't recommend.

Nearing a make shift room with a lot of tools, I picked up spare Sensei's gloves and put them on. Sitting carefully next to Flourite, I picked up a piece to put back in their face, but Flourite turned their face away. How disappointing.

"Do you even know how to put gems back together?" Suspicion was clear on their voice. If I could speak, I would roast them to hell and back. I actually do have experience, but they don't need to know that.

Shifting my face muscles until they gave up was fun. I could feel the way home was leaving their crystallized body.

Again, I picked up a shard and with care put it back in. It seemed they weren't expecting me to know what I was doing. Ha. Jokes on them.

Does that mean I was fixing my mistakes? Ya know... Break someone and put them back together. How generous. Still. Looking at Flourite's face, I realised, I would never be able to understand their life as a hardness 4. It's too fragile, but their spirit is in spades. That's reassuring in it's own way.

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