The Ocean's Pearl

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Author's Note: Getting in-game killed by mobs will just saw that the player fainted. Ex: Solidartygaming fainted after taking damage from drowned.

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie spied one of Rivendells owls on the horizon, heading straight for her empire. She ripped open the letter that was sent and quickly skimmed through it. So Scott knew it was to declare war. And she knew what would help him the most.

She ran down to the library and skidded over to the ancient section. Then Lizzie ran her fingers over the spines of each book until she found what she needed. A spell that could bring back the dead. For Jimmy.

Of course, this couldn't get into the wrong hands. Lizzie read the ingredients. 

The place where they had last slept.

A piece of dna from when they were alive.

Two wither roses.

The one they most loved. 

A wizard to preform the spell.

Spell incantation: I bring back he/she who is lost, but this spell comes with the cost. The cost of a flower, with limitless power. He/she is here nigh, their soul no longer high.

Perfect. Lizzie immediately scribble a note Scott telling him to get back to her. Then she wrote one to Gem for the wizard of the spell, and to also bring wither roses. But the question was still there. Did Jimmy love Scott or Lizzie more?

They'd have to find out later because the next thing that happened surprised Lizzie. It was an owl from Scott.

Dear Lizzie, Pearl has escaped and has the Xornoth crystal from when I took it out of my ender chest for a second. Sausage and FWhip are searching for her right now. Come to my empire. -Scott.

Oh no. Predict, Lizzie, predict. Her head screamed and gnawed of possible outcomes. Pearl could kill everyone. This really was terrible but it was what she had to do. Lizzie strapped on her elytra and set out for Rivendell leaving Sir Strawberry in charge.

"Oh, Lizzie. Your finally here." Scott exclaimed at her arrival. Gathered around was Scott, Gem, Katherine, Shrub, and Joey. Two signs were also there, one saying FWhip and the other reading Sausage. 

"I got you note." Gem said.

Lizzie sighed with relief. Not all was lost. "Yes. We need 2 wither roses and a wizard. I have Jimmy's scale. He probably last slept in his house. Gem take this book and do you think Jimmy loved me or you more, Scott?"

"I honestly don't know," he answered, "Best get to it quickly."

They all flew to the Swamp Empire. Gem positioned everything under Lizzie's command. Shrub and Katherine worked to dig up Jimmy's grave while Scott and Joey made the room distraction free. It was all working to plan. 

"Ready people?" Gem asked. All they had to do was move Jimmy's body to the bed and then they'd be ready. But then Pearl came flying out of nowhere with Sausage and FWhip screaming behind her. Her elytra was now red and all of Pearl's sunflowers were withered.

She landed gracefully right next to Joey and grabbed him in a secure hold while pressing a knife to his throat. "Anyone moves he dies."


Author's note: Sorry if this chapter seemed late. I have school and all the other chapters have been at 6:45 in the morning. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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