Chapter 29 - The Beginning of an End - Part 2

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“What the hell are you talking about?” Ryelen inquired. “And how do you know about Mira?”. “Your so-called brother ran off with my daughter to hell!” Jenziel exclaimed, looking at Kazier, not bothering to entertain any of Ryelen's questions. “What are you talking about? Mira is fine, she is probably at her mortal friend’s house” Kazier said confidently.

“My people saw Thoren with their own eyes...”. “You had spies on us?” Ryelen questioned, sounding a little hurt. “And rightfully so, if it were not for my spies, I would not have come to know that it was Thoren that took her”. “Bullshit, my brother would never do a thing like that, never to Mira”.

Clarren glanced towards Kazier and supportively placed her hand on his shoulder. Ryelen shook his head in annoyance. “You cannot be Mira’s father. Her father is mortal, just like her”. “That is exactly what I wanted her to believe, so that she could have a normal upbringing and so that she would be safe. If you were in my position, would you not have it that way?” Jenziel asked Ryelen who seemed to be deep in thought.

On the other hand, Jenziel was getting more frustrated by the second. “There is no time for this, I cannot fly to hell but the Fallen can. You need to save Mira from Lucifer's clutches. You all know what will happen now that he has her, all he needs is her blood to birth to next generation of demons”.

My blood was pumping loudly in my ears, motivating the arrival of what these mortals would call a headache. It was all I could hear, my heart galloping around in my chest as my mind trampled through disturbing thoughts.

How did we manage to overlook this? Mira was Nephilim? The first offspring from a pure angel and mortal woman? And Lucifer had her? That meant that Mira had very little time left if we were to save her.

I looked between the men around me as they argued over Thoren’s possibility in taking Mira and I raised my voice loudly to get their attention. “Listen to me, I do not give a fuck about whether Jenziel or Kazier is right about Thoren. What I do care about is my Mira. And if she is in hell, we need to go save her”.

“Then we split up, in case Mira is still on earth” Kazier looked my way and spoke and I nodded my head at him. “Kazier, I want you and Destry to search Mira’s home, her neighbours, her friends, and even mutual meeting places. Clarren, Zeir is not in the condition to travel, you will stay with him here and treat to his wounds. The rest of us will travel to hell” Ryelen spoke.

Clarren immediately walked back into the cabin while Destry took flight. I felt a presence at my side and turned to see Kazier’s worried face watching me. “We will find her” He assured me and I nodded my head hopefully. “Keep your mobile device on, I want regular updates” I told him and then he took to the air.

As the rest of us were about to leave, I felt a hand close around my wrist. “I want you to promise me one thing”. I swallowed a lump in my throat and then nodded my head once at Jenziel. “Save my daughter”. “I will”.


I slowly turned to my side and groaned when I felt the shift of weight in my head. It felt as though it was ready to explode, that’s how heavy it felt. I eventually opened my eyes and looked around me. I was definitely not at the cabin and I was definitely not in any of the rooms of the fancy house the Fallen owned in the upper market side of town.

The room I was in was rather dark and gloomy. There was also this irony stench to it. But most unsettling of all, there was a demon across the room. I couldn’t see much of him because of the darkness of the room, but I was able to make out his features.

He was the size of an average male with a tail triple the size of his body. He walked towards me on hind legs and I inched further into the bed. I momentarily glanced to my sides, looking for something to defend myself with when I heard a voice speak to me.

“We are not here to hurt you, mortal. Come with us and all will be well”. “Where am I?” I asked the figure that had appeared at the doorway. This one wasn’t a demon; no, he was a man and something about that made me feel much calmer.

“Why am I here?” I asked and again moved further away as the demon approached me. “Your questions will be answered soon” The man responded and so I got off the bed and followed him, leaving the demon behind in the room.


It had been exactly fifteen minutes since we had left the cabin and begun searching for a demon’s nest. Usually when demons come to Earth, they form their nests at the same spot from where they broke the Earth to journey from Hell to here.

Generally, they made sure they closed the portal to Hell, but if we were lucky enough, we would find one that was recently closed or even still open and we could use it to travel towards Hell.

It would not be easy, nothing ever was, but for Mira I would do whatever I could possibly do. I checked my mobile device again to see if I had received any update from Kazier and was disappointed to see that I had not received anything as yet.

Thoren’s possible betrayal was not sitting well with Ryelen, I could tell. That, and the fact that he – instead of a demon – might have injured Zeir. It was hard to think of Thoren like that, as someone who would betray the rest of us and journey with Mira to Hell. So, I tried my best not to ponder over it, as the more I thought about it, the easier I made it for wrath to consume me.

“Nothing, we found nothing” Adaeon said as he and Torrin walked towards us. “Neither have we” Ryelen relayed to him despondently. “We need to keep moving, time is of essence” I said firmly and unfurled my wings, the rest of them followed and then we took flight. 

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