Seokjin composed immediately thinking back to his choice of words

Beautiful ass?? Gosh.

" You talk a lot. You have a crush on Taehyung, don't you??"

Seokjin rolled his eyes before answering.

" oh yeah, so what?? Wait, how do you get it??. Did you research me?? Like I did??"

And there was no need for him to reveal himself as a stalker just like that!!! But here he is.

" so you did research on me?"

Jungkook stood in Seokjin's personal space making him more conscious.

" I...its....i...wait, don't distract me. Now tell me how you got it I have a crush on Tae. Is it that obvious?? Is Taehyung also get it??"

Jungkook shook his head making Seokjin blink more.

A puppy.

" I think you are more than obvious with your Taehyung. But it seems he doesn't like you"

That made Seokjin bite his lips.

" what?? Taehyung...Taehyung likes me. That's why a friend of mine. And....he....took shot....because.......because "

" Because he doesn't want to come out as badass "

" No!!!!! Because he is....shy...yes he is shy to tell that. Got it. Now move out of my space."

" Then why don't you do something about that?? "

Seokjin blinked at Jungkook's stupid nose scrunching while talking. The door unlocking sound made him jump a little and soon he pushed Jungkook out of his personal space seeing Taehyung.

" Ahh...oh, Jungkook shi"

" Jungkook is fine with me, are you alright?"

" oh yeah perfectly. It's just I don't get along with alcohol "

" Then why did you take a shot?!"

Seokjin will kill Jungkook right now. No regrets. He can ask Hoseok to sell his one kidney to fight the case for him as his parents will disown him for sure.

He will choke him right here.

" It's....but why are you so interested in knowing Is I have a crush on Seokjin or not??"

Jungkook's stare flickered not connecting with either Seokjin or Taehyung.

" No reason "

" I think we should go, the game is not at all interesting. I will take my leave. How about you Taehyung?"

Seokjin turned to Taehyung, facing his back to Jungkook.

" I also want to leave. My part-time job starts a little early in the morning, so...."

" oh perfect then we will leave now. I can drop you at your home if you want we can have noodles on the way. ?? I am craving for it "

" oh, it's a good idea. It looks like it's going to rain tonight. Eating noodles while enjoying the rain is the best therapy "

Seokjin nodded a little more enthusiastically rallying with his 32 teeth on display.

" yes let go"

Taehyung led the way after saying goodbye to Jungkook. Seokjin soon followed Taehyung of course after glaring at Jungkook who stood there with a slight smile on his face.

Who will smile at this situation?? Does he want to embarrass Seokjin? Wa!! Seokjin can't believe Jimin is giving a chance to this person.

No, his nose is not cute. Not at all.

" Sir, all the arrangements are done, the only thing needed is you have to sign for the file "

Jungkook received a message from his secretary. Wow, it's done.

" Good thing, Jae. Let's finalize things tomorrow. I will be there by 11 clk"

"Sure sir, sir....i...I wanted to ask Why you want to shift your whole company to Korea. Because we are really at our best in the states. Isn't going to affect the business?."

Jungkook chuckled seeing the message

" I know that. Yes, we are going to lose a lot of money in this process. But I decided it. So it will go however I want "

" Okay sir, sorry for being nosy"

He can see his secretary's embarrassed face right from there.

" you are not just manager Jae, you are my well-wisher too. I respect that. And trust me I will make sure the company will make new history here. "

" There is no doubt in your working efficacy sir. Your father is always so supportive and proud of you. Have a good night sir "

" Yeah, thank you. See you soon "

Seokjin doesn't like states. Seokjin is sacred of Jimin leaving him behind. Seokjin looked too devastated while babbling about it on the night he got drunk.

Well, Jungkook has to leave too, tomorrow morning he has to receive his parents and have breakfast with them, and then he has to attend the final meetings.

And...he has to join Jimin for their engagement shopping.

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now