LOG 2: The Nuclear Storm

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{Day: 4/Time: 1505 - A FEW DAYS LATER}


"Apollo-20 is a broadcasting app that we use to connect to our sister labs," Dr. Walker said.

"Ah, understood." I checked through the app settings.

"A50, you can just call me Kithia."

"Oh okay Dr. Walker, sorry I mean Kithia, let's see if we can get in contact with one of the other labs."

"You can send a signal to all the labs at once." Kithia told me.

Kithia guided me through the process of sending a signal to all the labs. I was able to create a S.O.S message with Kithia's help. Once I finished the message, I sent the S.O.S several times. An error box kept appearing. Out of frustration I slammed my hands on the desk and yelled,

"Error! Error! Error! That's all I keep getting is errors!" I swiped the notebooks and folders off the table.

"You must calm down; you can't get easily frustrated." Dr. Walker reassured me. I took a moment, and a deep breath. I calmed down before I spoke.

"I think if we adapt Stratosphere to operate outside of the linked labs and on other channels, we might find someone." Kithia agreed with me. I and Kithia modified the app - we set the S.O.S signal on a loop on all channels. No success.

I just couldn't think anymore and just laid my head in defeat. Kithia tried to cheer me up, but I just needed some time before trying again. "I'm sorry Kithia, I need a moment." I said while burying my head in my arms.

Some hours later I arose - stretching out my arms into the air and yawned. Once I opened my eyes, my vision was slightly blurry. I checked the clock on the desktop, and it read, "1926." I slept almost four hours. "You finally woke up." Kithia said.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. Why didn't you wake me up?" My voice sounded a bit dry.

"Because you were tired, I decided to let you rest," Kithia responded.

Guess I really needed the rest because I felt a bit better and ready to get back to work. Kithia updated me on the app and still no one responded, but she also discovered something about the app.

"While you were asleep, I found that the app can also broadcast on radio frequencies, but the mic function is inactive. I don't know why." I checked out the mic settings and found out the mic had been damaged. I told Kithia the issue and asked her if there are any tools near, I can use to fix the mic. She told me where I can find the engineer's tools. I brought the tools back and got to work on the microphone right away.

Some moments later I finished repairing the microphone to transmit on radio frequencies. I ran the application and began to test the mic, "Mic check, one-two. Mic check, one-two. I am A50 and I am transmitting from Primer Tech of Stratosphere. If there are any survivors out there, please respond to this transmission..." My transmission was cut due to interference, out of frustration I slammed my fist on the table and put my head down on the table.


{Day: 11/Time: 2121 - SEVEN DAYS LATER}

I didn't sleep and barely moved from the desk for days, a pile of Survazine-X bottles sat next to me. I didn't have time to sleep, I was too busy checking and rechecking for any pings on me and Kithia's S.O.S signal. The mission was to contact another survivor no matter what. Yes, I was exhausted, but I had to stay up and keep searching. I sighed and sat up before resuming my transmission.

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