"-anboo?You still in there,kitty boy?Or did ya space out?"

Ranboo snapped back to reality with Tubbos words.He realized he had stopped,just standing there and staring at his allium for the past handful of minutes.Tubbo was in front of him,looking a tad concerned but also amused.A smile on his face as the ender came back to earth.His tail had snaked around his own leg,the end flicking back and forth.Tubbo thought he did look like a little meow-meow right now.He started walking again,clearly embarrassed.

"Tubbo.Just stop it.Go bother Tommy or someone,annoying bee."

He hissed in annoyance,words coming out partially like a whine.A sign he was starting to slip.Tubbo giggled,still following the ender as he walked a bit quicker.Sun shone through the shafts in the leaves,making a pattern of light upon the bluebell covered ground.Tubbo loved this place.So many flowers!The leaves of the trees swayed gently in the breeze,a perfect shade of green that complimented the blue that covered the ground.Tubbo kept teasing Ranboo until he decided to go and play around some more.He quietly reached over and buried his hand in the enders hair.

"Hi there,little kitty!I haven't left,just so you know.And I decided such a good  little kitten deserves some pets!"

The taller had stopped,obviously surprised at the sudden action.They had gotten out of the bluebell section of the forest,the ground now just a carpet of grass blades.Soft and no longer covered with dew.Like a mattress,but made of grass.Tubbo smiled at the fact Ranboo didn't stop him,starting to pet the taller.Fuzz creeped more into the enders mind as Toby did that,making it harder to resist.His hold on the block softened a bit,tail slowly unwrapped from its tight hold on his own leg.A little purring noise came from him after a moment or two of more pets.He seemed to be enjoying this,tail starting to swish slowly.

"My little kitty!You just love pets,don't you?Such a good boy like you deserves them!"

The taller's mind grew heavy with fog,thoughts coming more slower as if they were drenched in honey.He was fighting a losing battle.He couldn't hold it back anymore,starting to slip as Tubbo pet him.The bee gave a happy buzz,delighted at his success.Purrs growing louder as he caved in.Tubbo stopped for a second,telling him to put away the block so the flower wouldn't fall down.The ender listened,putting it away as he already started to miss the pets.Wait-he wasn't supposed to regress!Was he actually going to lose too Tubbo?

"Hey,how about we go home,Boo?Cant have you out here when it looks as if it'll rain!"

But,Tubbo made a sensible arguement.He couldn't be out in the rain,and his caregiver knew best!Ranboo grabbed the shorters hand before he could do anything.Everything swirled around them,dissolving into purple particles before it came back.They were in the bee's home now.The smell of flowers and bread left too cool made it pleasant.It was still warm even,the oven off yet the heat staying.It did indeed start to rain,as Tubbo had said,the water starting to patter on the roof.

"There!We're at youw place Bee!Didn' wanna make you mad if you wanted ta go hewe in da first pwace!"

Tubbo blinked,his head spinning from the teleport.How the ender did this without throwing up was beyond him.As the spinning look of everything as the ender made them go to his cozy cottage made bile rise in his throat.He forced it down,swallowing thickly.The fuzz had grown so much he could hardly recall his reason for pushing it away in the first place,words coming out slurred and warbly.

"Oh-Well,this wasn't what i meant.But it works!Cause now I can safely take care of my little kitty!"

The soft voice he had switched too just made Ranboo more unable too pull himself back to being big.A little delighted warble came out,happy Bee wasn't mad at him.And he said he would give him more pets!Tubbo giggled at that,happy the ender wasn't resisting anymore and had given in.First,before he could pet the boy and spoil him as much as he wanted,he has too get him changed.A little kitten shouldn't be wearing such formal and fancy clothes!

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