
Start from the beginning

"But why?" I asked.

"I don't know. We didn't talk properly today." he replied.

"Is something wrong with her?" I asked.

"I don't know!" he replied.

I sighed and said, "So, I will head home now." I looked at Sonica's house and then at Sonic.

I said 'Bye' to him and walked home.

"Sonica, I hope you are fine." I thought to myself and sighed.

So, readers, it's time you all should know that I don't have a crush on Sonic anymore. I got over him months ago. Don't say I got matured or whatever. It's just-I don't feel that feeling anymore.
Now, that I know Sonic likes Sonica. Tails, Sticks and I had made some plans and discussions. But I really hope Sonica is fine.

Meanwhile with Sonica. . .

Sonica fell on her knees and grabbed her head. Her fur got darker. The dark aura had surrounded her completely.
"N-not again.."

-- After 3 days --


It had been 3 days now!! I haven't seen her nor talked to her! I tried so many times!! Is she dead or what??!! I could easily break the door but...

"Sonic!" Amy came running towards me. "Did you talk to Sonica?"

I shook my head as a 'No.'

I bit my bottom lip and looked at Sonica's house. I am really really really worried about her!! Just then, Eggman's robots popped out of nowhere but Eggman didn't show up. Strange... Anyways, Amy and I started smashing the robots. But suddenly a huge robot arm hit me from behind and I went flying straight to Sonica's house. (I...broke her wall.)

I heard a whimper and I got up quickly. It must be Sonica! I ran around the house until I found Sonica...curled up into a ball. A dark shadowy aura was surrounding her and her fur was...dark...

"Sonica..." I walked to her and picked her up.

Then, that aura disappeared. I looked around the room. There were so many scratches on the walls...What had happened?

"Sonica..." I whispered. She uncurled slowly.

"What are you doing her.." she slowly landed down and she rubbed her arms, her head was low. Her fur was still dark.

"Sonica! I was worried about you!" I said.

"Just go away!" said Sonica and took a few steps back.

"Why are you doing this, Sonica?! What's wrong?" I asked.

She didn't say anything, she just glanced here and there with a scared expression on her face..

What's wrong... I took a step towards her.

"N-No, stay away." she took another step back.

It's enough now!!

"Sonica! Tell me what's wrong!!!" I shouted and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Why don't you leave me alone??!!" she shouted back while pushing mrle away.

"And why do you keep yourself away from us?! Away from me?!" I shouted again.

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