Mission Hammer [Prt.1]

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"Eh eerht sgniht era...#1. Eert pmuj, #2. Croc epor dna #3. Raeps hsad." said the Tribe leader.

"The three things are #1. Tree jump, #2. Croc rope and #3. Spear dash." I translated and looked at Sonic.

"Fi uoy taefed su ni lla eerht fo meht, neht uoy nac evah eht remmah." said the leader with a smirk.

Sonic looked at me for translation and I translated, "If we defeat them in all three of them, then we can have the hammer."

Sonic nodded and said, "Lets begin then."

I looked at the tribe leader, he was still smirking.

"Stel ees fi uoy nac niw ro ton." said the leader.

"Lets see if we can win or not." I translated.

"Tsrif eht eert pmuj. Stel nigeb." said the leader and clapped his hands twice as a signal.

Then the other tribe members nodded and we went outside including the tribe leader.

"So, what is this Tree jump?" asked Sonic.

"Hm, I don't know." I replied and looked at the leader.

"Os, tahw si eert pmuj?" I asked.

"Eert pmuj si a emag fo deep, ytilibixelf, krowmaet. Uoy owt era gniog ot yalp sa a maet, ohw sehcaer eht hsinif enil tsirf sniw. Tub uoy owt ot etelpmoc eht ecar rehtegot." replied the tribe leader.

"Tree jump is a game of speed, flexibilty, teamwork. We two are going to play as a team and jump from one tree to another while dodging the obstacles. The team who reaches the finish line first wins. But we two have to complete the race together." I looked at Sonic.

And he smirked.

"Piece of cake." I and Sonic said in unison.

Now, dear readers, let me describe what the game-I mean race looked like, I mean its surroundings and all. There were two tracks. There was some distance between the two tracks. Each team was sitting at the starting line in each of the tracks. There were trees placed in a row in each track.

It looked quite easy but there were hidden traps and obstacles. And all we had to do was jump or swing from one tree to another. We can't do the race on the ground. I think that's why is it called "Tree jump".

Then the game began. . .

It was easy for me and Sonic as we have super speed but our competitors weren't that bad. I and Sonic jumped from one tree to another while dodging the obstacles. It got harder and harder, however we could do it easily.

We dodged a big group of bees, stones, water and some poisonous snakes as well. It was still easy for us. Sonic and I were now swinging from one branch to another branch. Well, he was just a little ahead of me, anyways. We are a team. We had just completed the half track. There was still a long half track to reach the finish line.

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