When Will This Mission End!?

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{[A/N: Just wanted to remind that Sonica had discovered only 5 elements till this chapter. Fire, Air, Water, Lightning and Earth}]


Everything went out of my mind!

Then, I noticed he facepalmed and whispered, "Am I NUTS!!!??"

Just then, the leader spoke up, I mean, he said, "Won, teg ydaer rof eht tasl egnellahc. Fi uoy niw neht uoy nac evah ruoy remmah kcab."

I nodded slowly and I was sure that Sonic hadn't understood a word.

"Now, get ready for the last challenge. If we win then we can have the hammer back." I said while looking at him as he bit his bottom lip.

He nodded slowly.

Then, the leader clapped twice as a signal. I took a deep breath.

Just then, I heard someone yelling, "Hey, Where are you talking me!?" I turned around and saw that it was...

"Knuckles!!" I and Sonic said in unison.

We both looked at eachother then at Knuckles again.

"Oh, Hi Sonic! Hi Sonica!" Knuckles waved at us.

Sonic waved back at him slowly.

"Yhw did uoy gnirb mih ereh?" I asked.

"Ask him, why did he bring me here?" said Knuckles.

"I just asked that." I replied.

"Oh, okay." Knuckles looked at leader.

"Sti esuaceb rof eht txen elttab eerht srotitepmoc era dedeen. Owt nac osla etepmoc tub ti ti'now eb taht nuf ot hctaw. Os, siht der andihce lliw osla etepmoc." said the leader.

"What did he s-" I cut off Knuckles and said, "Its because for the next battle three competitors are needed. Two can also compete but it...won't be that fun to watch. So, this red echidna, I mean, you will also compete."

Knuckles nodded slowly and said, "Oh, okay."

The leader nodded, "Os, teg ydaer!"

Just then it started to rain.

"Oh no, it started raining." said Knuckles.

"We can't compete if its raining, can we?" asked Sonic.

"Ti sah detrats gniniar. Ew lliw trats eht noititepmoc retfa eht niar spots. Uoy eerht nac tser rof won." said the leader.

I didn't pay any attention to them. I just looked up at the sky, smiling. I closed my eyes, feeling the cold breeze and the raindrops falling upon me.

"Sonica! Sonica, what did he say?" asked Knuckles.

I kept my eyes closed and said, "It has started raining. We will start the competition after the rain stops. We three can rest for now."

Knuckles and Sonic just nodded.

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