It's Over (So You Thought)

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"Hm, you know, actually, I think I like this tree, yes-! I have become attached to it!" Medic came up with yet another excuse. "See how my arm is starting to become a branch? Who am I to prevent evolution?"
Yes, he should know better than anyone there that naturally that was impossible...naturally.

The almost-complete group had been at this back-and-forth for a solid five minutes now.
"Doctor, I will catch you." Heavy attempted to reassure, holding out his arms.
"Drop already." Spy's grew evermore tired of this.

Scout had an arm around you to help support you, even though you had insisted you could stand on your own (and as you mentioned the last seven times already, you in fact did not have a concussion).
"Ey, what if we just uprooted the whole tree and shook him out?" He suggested.
Ms. Pauling rolled her eyes. "That's ridiculou-"
"Heavy and I could probably do it." You chimed, interrupting her...out of a bit of spite, if you were honest with yourself. You knew the idea was indeed ridiculous, you just weren't going to agree with her verbally.

You still had your resilience, so judging on that, despite being KOed by an unforeseen, unpredictable event - aka bat upside the head - you'd have to say you came out of the little tussle in better shape. The formation of a purple bruise in the center of Ms. Pauling's forehead to compliment the rest of the purple she was wearing, was also a dead give away. That didn't make you feel any less salty though...
Ms. Pauling still stayed far away from you. Far enough away from you without being too obvious, at least. But you could tell.

Maybe you were being a little too harsh...maybe not. You didn't think so, not right now at least. Could be an effect from the Australium...could be because she was the one who dropped your ass off in the middle of nowhere, or it could just be because Medic was holding all of you up now.

"Ah, about not..?" Medic only clung to the tree more, your input to Scout's idea not helping, and Spy and Heavy letting both of you know that, shooting a look in your direction.
"At least we're trying here!" Scout defended.

"You know Mailman, I don't remember you being so...what is the word...muscular and passive aggressive sounding...or hairy." Medic spoke down, a little out-of-nowhere- It definitely wasn't something you thought would be said.

You furrowed your brows a little out of confusion (though one's around you could also mistake it for anger if they didn't know any better). "What do you mean passive aggressive sounding?" You weren't sounding passive aggressive-
"Or hairy? I don't see any more-" Scout turned over to look at you and then stopped mid-sentence. "Oh-, you took steroids? That's a look-"

"Australium, Scout." Spy pinched the bridge of his nose. "We went over this...that bump on your head is making your mental process even slower than usual...and we are heavily digressing."

"Austrailium?!" Medic sounded shocked. "Why didn't you say so..!"
Without another thought or warning, he let go of the tree, and dropped down, Heavy snapping to catch him, thankful for his reflexes.
He stood there a bit stiff, but a moment after being caught, Medic patted Heavy's shoulders twice, bringing him back from his momentary shock of the wild doctor's change of heart. "Thank you, my friend!"

Upon touching the ground, Medic skipped over to you and leaned into your personal bubble. You weren't as bothered with this as you would have been before...Scout however-
"Ey, back up!"

He didn't listen of course; Medic was observing...
"Hmm...why, that is extraordinary..! You certainly have been exposed to Australium!"
"No shi-"
"Ah-ah! Watch your profanity..!" He held a finger to your lips before you could complete that thought. "You have been exposed to it out here, and not in ingot or any sort of compressed form, no?"

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