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"So you see, all of this mixed together - the corrosive material from the sodium hydroxide, synovial joint fluid, and of course the rhubarb leaves rich with oxalate - could bring about a wildly innovative boost to how we approach medical science today! Or it could possibly lead to the apocalypse within sixty-five years, but this is what science is about, no? Progress!"
Medic sat in a pine tree talking to what appeared to be a smaller chimney sweep bird as he balanced a long branch and much larger feathers a bit haphazardly, keeping in mind the height he was at. Or rather, not keeping in mind the height he was at.

The bird tilted its head as if to question.
"Ugh, common birds..." He turned back to his craft and muttered. "Doves are a far brighter species..."

The bird was sure to peck the top of his head before taking off, getting a small noise of protest from Medic, but there wasn't much he could do without almost sliding off.

He went back to focusing on his alone-in-the-woods-arts-and-crafts piece, though the ambience was soon disrupted by a familiar voice.
"Please, not now- I don't even have my Medi Gun..!"
"Down here!"

Medic reluctantly looked down below. "Oh. Well, you two don't look injured; why did you call for me?"
Ms. Pauling sighed. "Are you going to come down here and join us or what? We need to stick together."

Medic looked up as though weighing his options.
"Why is this takin' so long for you to think through?" Sniper asked, his patience a tad tried.
"Normally, I would agree with that assessment...however..." Medic made a motion with his finger pointing to himself and then to the ground and then back to himself. Laughing nervously he followed it up with, "I cannot climb down."

Ms. Pauling looked confused over to Sniper. "I thought you said you had seen him before."
Sniper hummed. "I did. I never said we were on the ground though; we were both in a tree."
"I have been up in the trees since we crashed!" Medic explained.

Ms. Pauling huffed. "We can help you down-"
"You? Sniper?" Medic chuckled a little.
"What's so funny?"
"I am much larger than you two- well, not much, but weight wise. I have a wider frame; endomorph. You two are...well, Sniper, you could be mesomorph, but you look more rectangular so I'd have to go with both of you being ectomorph and while I'm sure you both certainly have stronger areas-"
"He's too hesitant to just hop on down." Sniper huffed.

"Have you found anyone else who could help? Like Heavy?" Medic asked.
"We have Scout right here, so at least there's three of us-"

That had to be one of the quickest double takes she had ever done, looking back over to Sniper's shoulder where he had previously had Scout slung over. "Sniper, where's Scout?!"
Sniper looked at his shoulder as if just now realizing Scout appeared to not be there. "...Huh."
"What do you mean, 'huh'?!" She snapped.

The tense air was broken by the doctor up in the tree. "Uh-oh two had better do some backtracking, no? You don't need to worry about me; I will be right here making wings to fly away. If Icarus can fly into the sun, so can I-"

Ms. Pauling and Sniper looked at him as that was not how the story went at all, and...actually, was a concerning thing to hear.

"...Alright, fine." Ms. Pauling sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sniper, backtrack to where Scout is. I'll stay here with Medic."
"Why don't you backtrack to Scout-?"
"Why don't one of you look for the others and I just stay where I am?"

"Fine! I'll look for Scout!" Ms. Pauling re-exclaimed. "Sniper, you...whatever. You just do whatever it is you do, but make it productive. Medic-"
"I will stay in the tree!"

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