Series! Lloyd x Reader }} GUY.exe

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CEO! Lloyd Garmadon

A/N: based on the song GUY.exe - everyone is 21+ there is a mention of a suggestive themes, the lyrics will warn you (it makes it very obvious) and it's slow burn so there's hints and you can skip to the next verse if you don't want to read that.

Everyone is boujee in this oneshot lol, so we are about to have expensive stuff with very nice name brands. I am broke, so please exuse me if I don't use proper terminology or it seems not as boujee😭 I thrive to be like this one day


Word count: 6136

Y/N's P.O.V

Wish I could synthesize
A picture perfect guy
Oh I, oh I

I let out a sigh of defeat as I realized I was stood up. I was supposed to met a guy who was a well respected man at this extremely fancy and expensive restaurant. He wanted me to meet him here, didn't offer to pick me up or anything.

Where all the boys at with emotional stability?
Nice car, a CEO, and almost just as smart as me
Where all the boys at with financial security?
A doctor, a model, a man of possibilities

"Would you like the tab?" The waiter asked, coming up to me. I looked down at my champagne glass that was almost empty. It was my first one.

"No, but I'll have a refill." I smiled. I don't know why I said that, there's no way after 20 minutes he's coming. I opened my phone and scrolled through the dozens of messages I had sent him. I rolled my eyes in disbelief as I saw that he read the messages.

'How's it going?' My friend Nya asked over text.

'He stood me up.' I responded. I glanced at my gold Gucci watch, a habit of mine when I was trying to be punctual.

'Are you serious?'

'Yeah, read all my messages. I've just been sitting by myself at this table for 2 on the balcony for over 20 minutes. It's so embarrassing. I'm just going to ask for the tab and leave.'

'Dont, me and Jay's date just ended. He's going to drop me off there and I'll be your date.'

'I love you'

'I love you too girl. I'll be there soon.'

"A refill for you." The waiter said, putting my glass on the table. "Need anything else?"

"You know what, I'll order some F/A (favorite appetizer). My friends almost here." I smiled. He wrote it down on the note pad.

"Is that it?"

"She'll have some red wine." I said, knowing Nya and her favorite alcohol. He nodded and walked away. I looked off the balcony and watched the cars zoom by and the lights change.

"Sorry I'm late." I turned my head and saw Nya. I gave her a smiled as she walked up. I stood up and greeted her with a hug.

"You're just in time." I said as we took our seats.

"Such a shame to have such a beautiful view go to waste." She said, making a jab at my date. "And I guess the restaurant is nice too."

"Thank you." I laughed, crossing my arms and placing them on the table. "You look amazing as always."

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