"What do you want-"

"Let's talk please. Come home" he said in the softest voice

"Tss, I won't be home until lunch. And also, didn't I make myself clear? I don't want to see you nor talk to you. Got that?" She said before ending the call.

Renjun sighed and held Haneul's hand. The girl looked at him and raised her eyebrow.

"Can't you forgive Haechan?"

"No. Well, atleast not now. I'm still mad at him"

"What did he say?"

"He wants to talk to me, and he wants me to go home."

"Will you talk to him?"

"I-.. I don't know Ren. I just don't want to face him right now"

"Alright, but please fix things with him. You don't want him to suffer from your acts right? He's still your brother Haneul"

"Yeah, I know Renjun."

"Come on guys! Lunch's ready!"

"Thanks for the food Domin. We really enjoyed it, but we need to go home now. Thanks again!" Renjun said and Haneul nodded in agreement

"We'll go now Min, call me when Jae oppa arrives okay?" Domin nodded and the two exited the house.

They went back home and Haneul told the male to go in first, and told him that she needs some fresh air.

Renjun nodded and went inside. Haneul walked to the specific door where nobody can enter except for her and Yeonjun.

She opened the door and a garden greeted her. There were still butterflies flying around and the plants were still alive.

She went to the side of the garden and pushed the wall door where it leads to a beautiful place.

It was a large area with a tree house in the middle. The field was full of bermuda grass and the sunlight reflected from the glass roof.

She entered the tree house and there were the pictures that Yeonjun and Haneul took when they were still together.

She took a picture frame that has the portrait of the two of them smiling so widely.

She caressed the frame and smiled sadly. "I miss you my fox" She placed the frame back on the table and went to the room with a bed on it.

'Ah, this bed is so comfortable'

'Yah! I told you not to step on the bed with socks on!'

'Come on baby, it's not dirty'

'Choi Yeonjun!'

The flashback in her mind made her chuckle. She and Yeonjun were really a perfect couple.

They haven't fought at all, and she could say that she was very lucky to have him.

She sat on the bed and looked around the room. She noticed a box under the table so she took it.

A paper was placed on the top of the box saying 'To my one and only love, Choi Haneul'.

She furrowed her eyebrows and opened the box.

There were alot of things inside it. And a letter caught her eye. She took the letter and read it.

"Dear wifey,

Hello! It's our 1st Anniversary! I'm really excited to give you these. I spent like 2 weeks in finding the perfect gifts for you, it was tiring but it's worth it.

Haneul, Thank you so much for appearing into my life. Even though we were just forced to get married, but I never thought that it was just forced.

Because I realized that, I really liked you ever since day one.

I don't know if we'll last long, but whatever happens, I will always be right by your side baby.

I hope you'll like the gifts I picked! I love you so much Choi Haneul, and I will love you until death do us part.

— Yeonjunnie<3"

Haneul gasped and remembered another memory. The one where Yeonjun got stabbed and died in front of her eyes.

She was so stupid for not realizing that that day was their 1st Anniversary. She felt her tears flowing through her cheeks and she cried while rereading the letter again.

"I'm so sorry Yeonjun" She whispered and looked through the box.

There was a photo album, a shoe box, some chocolates that already melted and a ring.

"Wha-" She took the ring and there was another letter, but it was smaller this time.

"I know were already married, but I wanna ask you for real. Will you marry me again, Choi Haneul?" She cried even more and hugged the box as if she was hugging him.

"I should've saved you from them Junnie. I'm so sorry for being such a failure" She felt a cold breeze of the wind blowing on her.

She thought that it was him, telling her that he already forgave her a long time ago.

Next, she looked at the photo album that Yeonjun made. There were a bunch of photos inside.

There was a photo where they took it on the ferris wheel, and another on the arcade, and another at the park, and the others were taken from their dates and trips.

She realized that it was almost dark so she placed the ring and the album back in the box and brought it with her outside.

She closed the wall door and exited the garden as well.

As she entered the mansion, Haechan was there sitting on the couch, nervously shaking his leg.

The girl ignored him and went to the stairs. Haechan might have noticed her figure so he called her.


"Where have you been? I was waiting for you. Renjun told me that you just need some fresh air but I couldn't find you anywhere" He paused and looked at the box that Haneul was holding

"What's that?" The girl looked at the box then at her brother

"None of your business" She said before taking a step on the stairs

"Jessy, please listen to me. I'm sorry for not telling you okay? I was just too worried about you. And if you want to bring him back, just find a candle like the ones you brought from Jaehyun hyung and light it up" Haneul looked at Haechan and sighed

"Give me some time, I have to think about something" She said before going upstairs.

Haechan sighed and went to the kitchen to prepare for dinner, with the help of the maids of course.

Haneul went inside her room and placed the box under her bed. She took a bath before changing into her pyjamas.

She sat down on her study table and took her notebook. When she opened it, a paper fell and landed on the floor.

Haneul took it and saw the words that were written on it.

"Rules for Park Jisung to follow" She read it out loud and another memory flashed on her mind.

'Why can't I enter the garden?'

'Just because.'

That was all she could remember and she sighed deeply.

"I need to see you already Park".

— tbc.

PS. Haven't proofread yet.

word count: 2259 words
date published: 05/25/22


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