Chapter 10

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Previously in Found:


Dean pulled me to face him.

"Please, I didn't mean to be insensitive. I know now that I was wrong in saying Erin was going to die. I have so much faith that you will help her get out of this. And I never have faith. Until you came along. Now, all I do is believe in you. When we hunt, I trust you will never mess up, no matter how many times Sammy and I do. You always get it right. And you always know what to say and do, no matter what the situation. And I love you for it," Dean said, out of breath. My mouth fell open. He loves me. "I know we have known each other for only so long, but I have never felt this strongly about anyone. You're the only woman in the history of my life that I've been in a hotel room, alone, with and didn't have sex. I just wanted to talk to you. That may have come out wrong, but you get my point. I love you, Juliet. I'll scream it at the top of my lungs if I need to. But I love you. More than anything in the world. And I'm behind whatever you do, whatever choices you make, whatever you believe in, 100%."

I covered my mouth to muffle my cries. Sam just sat awkwardly on the floor. I actually, for one of the first times in my life, had nothing to say. At all. All I could muster were a few sounds. I lowered my hands and stood still. Dean stared at me, worryingly.

"I-" I started. What the hell. I just threw my arms around him and pulled him into a big kiss. He placed one hand on the small of my back, and the other on the back of my neck. Our lips moved in sync until Sam coughed. We released, slowly, and just put our foreheads together.

"I love you, Dean. More than I have ever loved before," I said breathlessly.

"Not as good as my speech, but it'll do," he teased. I playfully kicked his foot and kissed his nose. I then skipped off to Erin, clicking my heals in the air after ten seconds.

I pulled to a halt once I was in front of her.

"Someone's happy," she joked. I nodded, reminding myself of Collin.

"Dean loves me," I sang. Erin smiled wildly and made a weird squealing sound. She pulled me into a hug.

"Jules, that's great! Oh my God!!! I knew he did, but I didn't think he had the balls to say it now!" She cheered. I threw my head back in laughter. "Did you say it back?"

I nodded once again.

"This is amazing!"

"I know!" I said, now reminding myself of Monica Gellar in Friends.

Sam and Dean soon caught up to us and we saw the ice cream parlor across the street.

"Let's go there, let's go there!" Collin shouted, pointing at the parlor. Erin nodded.

Sam came over to me and pulled me to the side.

"I'll tell her tomorrow," he whispered.

"Good, I don't want you guys to steal my moment," I teased. Sam laughed.

"Come on!" Erin cheered. "Race ya," she playfully challenged Collin. They both ran ahead, Erin not going at full speed so it would be fair. I noticed how Sam stared at her with pure admiration. He really did like her. I hope he told her tomorrow, because she didn't have that much time left.


I sat at the parlor, next to Collin and Sam, in a booth. Dean and Juliet were sitting across from us, hugging non-stop. I played with my thumbs and waited for my coffee ice cream to arrive.

Found//Sam Winchester Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now