Chapter 26 : Picture

Start from the beginning

"Stupid. So stupid." Wyatt's mom rose on her hind legs. The grin alongside her partial transformation made her look freaky as hell. Her mane still had pieces of jewelry embedded in them along with that gruesome make-up. "Did you really think it would be that easy? Wyatt isn't stupid enough to leave his helpless mother all alone."

Her ghoulish eyes reminded me of a reptile than a cat. "Now you've gotten yourself in a precarious bind."

Dimitri rose to his feet and sidled to my side as the realization settled in. The cats had all transformed into fully-fledged manticores with massive scorpion tails. Their lion-like muscles contorted as they closed in on us with the movement of a predator.

I pressed against Dimitri, swallowing down the pain searing from my back. At this point, we were sitting ducks.

One manticore pounced on the table faster than a bullet before propelling itself at us. With one hand, Dimitri created a field, causing the lion to smack straight into it. But his uninjured arm could only make a one-sided shield. Seeing the weakness, two manticores tackled from his blind spot. They barreled to his side, throwing him off his feet and against the door.

Another manticore charged headfast into Dimitri's torso without a second to lose. The wood splintered as it collapse under his weight. They tumbled down a set of stairs with more lions at their tail.

"Dimitri!" I rushed to help but immediately halted when a line of manticores prowled into my path, completely blocking it. Their gaze beamed with excitement as they locked in on their target.

Aren't these the cats I thought were cute?

One manticore rushed for my throat and I sidestepped, brushing my fingers over its fur. It collapsed into a pile of ash faster than I could say 'Sucker.'

At least I got my abilities.

"Don't go near her!" Wyatt's mom halted the manticores with a stern gaze that looked almost motherly. "Avoid any contact. At the moment she's dangerous. But that'll soon change if we keep her away from that Sin."

I glared, hating how she knew that bit of information. Henry and Wyatt had briefed her about everything. Apparently, those two had made plans of their own, in case we come looking for Pedro.

Wyatt's mom took a lethal step in my direction. "...But that won't be necessary."

Her eyes glanced at my hands which had turned grey and dusty at the tip. A sign that my powers were within reach. "You can't kill me. After all, I am the only one who knows where Pedro is."

She lunged and I withdrew my abilities without a second thought. Grabbing my neck, she chucked my face against the wall.

I growled and smacked my elbow into her nose. Her head snapped back just before I drove a fist into her torso. She grunted, doubling at the waist and creating a perfect opening for me to strike a knee to her jaw. She stumbled away a bit disoriented.

I may not be able to kill her, but I can still fight. The plan isn't over yet. We just need to capture her unconscious before going with Zion's original plan...

Torturing the information out of her.

"Who taught you how to punch like that?"

I rose my fists to my chin, keeping my guard up. "Eros."

As if she couldn't care less who the god of love was, she sprung -- claws extended and canines bared. I swung a leg in a roundhouse kick and she dodged. My fingers flicked as a portal emerged beneath her feet. The manticore was sucked through the opening before spitting out of another portal against the ceiling. She hit the floor so hard I felt something crack.

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