twenty two

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Karina woke up the next morning to find the blankets gone from overtop of her. This was a usual occurrence with Winter, but when she rolled over to pull the blankets back from the smaller girl, she realized she was the only one in the bed.

She sat up quickly, becoming even more confused when she saw the blankets in the corner of the room; secured to one of her dresser drawers and draped over to the wall. They were creating some kind of fort. And the culprit had two small feet sticking out from underneath it.

Karina quietly rolled out of bed, which startled Winter. The caramel eyed girl sat up from within her fort, pushing one of the blankets aside and gazing up at her girlfriend.

"Why're you down there?" Karina asked, tilting her head to the side. Winter bit her lip.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Karina knelt down next to Winter. The small girl simply nodded, feeling somewhat guilty that she'd disturbed Karina.

"And you built a fort...?" Karina raised an eyebrow.

"To keep the bad things away," Winter mumbled softly. Karina nodded.

"Well scoot over then," she smiled. Winter grew confused, but moved aside and allowed Karina to crawl into the fort next to her. The brown eyed girl laid her head back on one of the pillows Winter had brought under and held out her arms.

"Remember, the medication isn't going to work right away," Karina motioned for Winter to lay next to her. The caramel eyed girl sighed softly and laid beside Karina, who pulled her closer to her side.

"You sound tired," Karina noted, turning over slightly so she could run her fingers up and down Winter's arm. "Try and sleep some more. I'll be right here when you wake up."

Nodding softly, Winter yawned and curled her hands out to find the sleeves of Karina's hoodie. Holding onto the older girl, she allowed sleep to overtake her once more.

About an hour or so later, Karina felt Winter stir beside her. She reached out, smoothing out her girlfriend's hair as Winter's caramel brown eyes fluttered open. At first, it took her a second to realize where she was, but she smiled softly when she saw Karina.

"Morning," Karina whispered, wiping her eyes. She managed to fall back asleep as well.

"Good morning," Winter smiled widely. She yawned, sitting up and pulling Karina up to do the same.

"Someone's e-," Karina was cut off when Winter crashed her lips against hers, pulling her in a deep and hungry kiss. Karina was taken aback when Winter pushed her backwards, crawling on top of her and slipping her tongue into her mouth. A wave of euphoria rushed through Karina's body and she had to separate from the kiss to catch her breath.

Winter sat up, adorning the same goofy smile she always had. "Good morning," she smiled widely, crawling off of Karina and out of the fort before Karina could even process what had just happened.

As Winter skipped contently down the hallway to go into the kitchen, Karina laid in the fort trying to figure out what had just happened. Winter had never been that... eager before. This was new.

Karina sat up, running her hands through her hair and trying to steady her beating heart. After she calmed down, she pushed herself out of the small fort and headed downstairs.


"No, Winter. It's breakfast. Tacos are for dinner."

"Cereal is for lunch."

"Oh my god," Giselle shook her head, taking the box away from Winter and putting it on the top shelf of the pantry. Winter huffed in annoyance. Karina watched their interaction with a small smile on her face.

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