"Ight..well Imma give you sometime to go home and relax..I'll pick you up at eight" he smiled.

I stayed at Jermaine's house for a few more minutes until it was time to go get my Babygirl from practice. When I got home Odell's car was in the driveway, he still had his key to the house so when we walked in he was in the kitchen making himself as a sandwich. I put Hailey in the bathtub and went back into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said those things to you. I was out of line and I'm so sorry." He walked closer to me.

"You're always sorry."

"I love you and you know that! I know you love me Danielle..I just want another chance please! I need you in my life." He begged.

I wanted to forgive him and take him back but I'm too afraid

"Oh I get it...you falling for him." He stared at me..

"I'm not falling for him Odell!! He's just a friend...I just...I just think we should move on" I said in a low voice.

"I love you! Baby I'm sorry! Just give me another chance." I'm pushed his hands away and started to walk away...

"IM SORRY!!!" He yelled making me stop dead in my tracks. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry for breaking you're heart I'm sorry for everything! I'm sorry for leaving you when I said I never would..I'm sorry for ever making you feel alone...I'm sorry Danielle..if you wanna end it all with me then that's fine I don't blame you but it won't stop me from fighting for you.." He spoke on a serious tone.

"DADDY!!! I'm ready to go!!!" Hailey came down the stairs holding her bag.

"Ight..." He said as he walked away from me and took Hailey's hand.

I plopped down on the couch and let out a sigh..I know Odell was dead ass serious about this and I knew he wouldn't stop fighting for me.

Jermaine picked me up and took me to this beautiful fancy restaurant. He was dressed in a black and white suit and bow tie while i wore a long white dress with heels. Throughout most of the night I kept thinking about Odell and everything he said earlier. I didn't wanna leave him!! But part of me was telling me to do so. I didn't even know Jermaine was talking to me until and he tapped my shoulder.

"Danielle..." He got my attention.

"Huh? ..Oh I'm sorry I was thinking about something."

"You mean somebody...it's Odell ain't it?" He sat his glass down.

"Yeah...he told me that he loves me and he doesn't wanna let me go and he's gonna keep fighting for me." Jermaine nodded his head.

"Give the man a second chance! We're guys! We are gonna make mistakes! C'mon stop playing games Danielle. You know you love him!"

"I do love him but I'm afraid he'll break my heart again" I put my head down.

"Sometimes you gotta take a chance for the ones you love the most...Call him..you need too"

"You're right..I'm gonna call him." I smiled and pulled my phone out.

Odell: Hello.

Me: Hey...can we talk.

Odell: Yeah wassup babe?

Me: I wanna talk to you about us getting back together..

Odell: Really!?!? Let's not do this over the phone. After my game tomorrow we can go home and talk about it..

Me: okay we can do that..I can't wait.

Odell: Good, I gotta go..Hailey wants to play madden.

Me: Okay, have fun. Give her a kiss for me

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now