Magnum Opus Hill Part 2 / Into the Woods

Start from the beginning

The Maid pour a cup of tea for Cynthia as she gave her a soft smile before left.

Cynthia: Would you like some tea?

Poppy: Wow, thanks. Sure!

Poppy and Trollzart grab a pair of cups and drink it.

Cynthia: Can you tell me what was all of those World Tour stuff?

Poppy: Well, we've just received a letter coming from King Sam, King of Rock-Pop. He said, "He will steal the other 6 strings so that he can have the best party ever".

Cynthia: (Gasps) Oh, blimey! That's sounds horrible! If King Sam have all the other 6 strings, he would wipe your home and turn you all into Rock-Pop Zombies!

All: (Gasps)

Barb: God! Just like what I did in the World Tour! But, we should stop him before he makes the biggest mistakes of his life just like what I did!

Val: Barb! Calm down! It's just a past!

Branch: Yeah, she's right.

Zach: What should we do?

Cynthia: We need to headed to the Mixed-Genre tribe also known as MixVille. This is where our good friend lives there, but first, we need to warn King Arnulfo, King of Filipino-Pop.

Edrick: Alrighty! So, where should we headed to the Fil-Fil-

Zach: Filipino-Pop tribe?

Edrick: (Pats Zach's head) Yes! Great job, Zachy! How did you pronounce that?

Zach: I practice that when I was 4.

Cynthia: (To Zach) What a smart young boy you have! What's your name?

Zach: Zachary Moonthorn. And this young human girl right there, is Eva.

Eva: Hello.

Cynthia: Okay.

Poppy: Come on guys! Let's go to the Filipino-Pop tribe!

They headed to the Fireplace Teleporter where they fireplace transport to the parking lot where their Air Balloon and the Funk Ship are still there. While, Cynthia is in the castle and announce the Opera Trolls that she will join them to save the world from World Tour.

The Opera Trolls hopes that this World Tour stuff ends. Cynthia unfolded her wings and flies towards the Leaders. As she flies in midair, the group jumps into the balloon and went inside the Funk Ship. The Opera Trolls cheers for them and hoping that this World Tour comes to an end, they smiled and the other are waved at them.

Poppy: Okay, so where should we headed to the Filipino-Pop Tribe?

Cynthia: Oh, there's only one thing about the Filipino-Pop tribe. They lived in the forest filled with dangerous creatures sometimes not like them. Be careful, their forest was connected to the Enchanted forest.

The Leaders: Enchanted Forest?

Eva: According to the History, Enchanted Forest is the home where magical beings and creatures lived. It can be only found this forest but, be careful, the forest was filled with dangerous creatures like the Shadow Bird that you've been encountered earlier.

Synth: (Quivering) Oh! So spooky.

Zach: And magical.

Eva look at Zach with suspicious and assumed that he read about the Enchanted Forest tale. Taylor felt something wrong with her, he can feel the aura of hers, despite being a Pop troll, he had a special abilities/powers alongside with Edrick and Matt.

Trolls World Tour 2 (Trolls x OCs)Where stories live. Discover now