09: What Did He Do Now

Start from the beginning

"I kind of died before that all happened."


I didn't answer, out of fear of Stefan thinking I was crazy, but I think he could tell I was focusing on something else considering the slightly confused glances he was sending me.

We found ourselves, eventually, in front of the Gilbert House, and I let Stefan have his alone time with Elena. Finding out your boyfriend was a vampire and having your whole world turned upside down was bound to put some strain on a relationship, but Stefan was determined to figure it out.

From: Rango
Logan is dead. Vampires killed him at the cemetery.

To: Rango
I'd say that sucks but I never liked the guy XD

From: Rango
This is serious Evergreen. They have the watch.

To: Rango
The vamp locator compass thingo?

From: Rango
Yes. The only vampires that could know about it are vampires from 1864.

To: Rango
So they're old ones?

From: Rango
Yes. We're going to need all hands-on deck to find them

To: Rango
Fine then. All aboard the Polar Express I suppose.

I looked up from my phone, and Stefan was walking towards me, his eyes closed in regret, but I could tell that it was also to stop himself from crying.

He didn't deserve that.

"Oh Forest," I whispered softly, pulling him into a hug, "she'll come around, I'm sure of it."

"She said she couldn't deal with it. The lies," he whispered sadly, "she said she couldn't be with me."

I didn't feel his tears hit my shoulder, but I could tell from the way he was slightly shaking that he was crying.

"Not to break up this touching moment," the annoying voice of Damon Salvatore echoed, "but we have a baby vamp to hunt down."

Stefan pulled away with a sad smile, one that ached to see. He didn't deserve it, he had done so much to try and keep Elena safe, yet she didn't see that.

I guess I also couldn't blame her either. I had been born into the supernatural, and Stefan had 150 years to get used to it. In all honesty, I'd probably be a bit freaked from the whole situation too, especially since Vicki, who both Elena and I had known majority of our lives, had died and came back a vampire.

I guess that was kind of hard to wrap my head around too.

I stood on my tippy toes and ruffled Stefan's hair, earning a small smile from him.

And within seconds, Damon grabbed my arm, the three of us had disappeared into the night.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚

We found Vicki in the parking lot with Tyler.

About to eat him.

"Hey Ty," I greeted as I pulled Vicki off of him. She landed in the arms of Stefan and I held out my hand, one that he took gratefully. He pulled himself up, looking around, confused. "Been a while since we hung out, huh?"

Vicki was frantic, attempting to get out of Stefan's hold, and Tyler shook his head, almost in a daze. He was about to leave before Damon sped in front of him.

"What's going on Stefan? Eva?" he questioned warily, before turning to Vicki, "what's wrong with her?"

"You, don't talk," Damon said boredly.

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