Chapter 71 - Freedom for the spirits

Start from the beginning

"You're going to tell me how they died? I already know—they were burned by those people who ran the orph—" I started, but he interrupted me.

"Lies," he said, and my eyebrows crossed.

(Lies?? What?)

"The people who ran the orphanage, they weren't the ones who burned it down," he said, his voice eerily calm.

"What do you mean?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Mother burned the children from the orphanage. It's true the people who ran it only watched as the children were sacrificed," he explained.

"So, they're still part of the scheme," I said, crossing my arms, the fire around us still blazing.

"Yes, but one of them stepped back and now suffers from illness. The children considered him a betrayer since he only watched, but they knew he was guilty. That's why they let him survive—in return, he's completely insane now," he said, and I nodded.

"Hold on, why do you talk like someone not your age?" I asked, and he smiled.

"It's been years since I died from an illness. The reason I can think like this and communicate with you is because of Mother," he said.

"Mother... Who exactly is this woman you're talking about? Is she the head of this orphanage or someone else?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.


"She's my mother. She talks about you every day whenever she comes home. That's how I know you," he said.

"She talks about how pretty and adorable you are, mostly how you would be a great offering to the demon," he added, and I coughed in surprise.

(That woman is really planning to sacrifice me.)

"Why does she want to offer me to some demon? Is there a reason?" I asked.

"To exchange for my life," he replied.

(Wait... I'm so stupid.)

"Are you Theo? The child she mentioned who was taken away by the children?" I asked.

"My name is indeed Theo, but I was never taken away by the kids in the orphanage. I died from being neglected by Mother when I had a disease," he replied.

"I see. Then why do these ghost children take away other children from their families?" I asked.

"Like I said, they were victims of Mother. The reason they can't cross to the other side is because of her. She used their souls to trap them and gain benefits," he explained.

(I see...)

"They became evil because of Mother. She wants to resurrect me through black magic, but that devil... I know he's tricking her. I can feel it," Theo continued.

"The resurrection is a lie. Mother cannot bring me back, even if she makes a deal with a demon," he said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"For I have already crossed to the other side," he said.

(Then how is he here?)

"Mother hasn't buried my body yet. She's reserving it for resurrecting me, but that would be impossible," he continued.

"Even if my body wakes up, it won't be me living in it but a demon."

"And that demon will kill Mother. It's useless. I've given her signs, but she hasn't noticed," Theo explained.

"The children who have become her puppets, she torments their souls if they don't listen. Every year, the children in this orphanage follow her will, collecting other children as sacrifices."

"But those children... they want to rest, to cross to the other side, but Mother stops them. Those children are also going to be sacrificed," he said.

"Stop," I said.

"What do you get from telling me this story? Sure, let's say that the children are being controlled and can't find peace because of your mother," I said.

"But can you stop beating around the bush? Tell me what your goal is in telling me all this," I said. Suddenly, the children who were burned alive appeared right behind him.

"Break the seal and free us," the children said.


"Why? I can't do that. How am I even supposed to break the seal when I don't even know what it looks like?" I said.

"The seal is on Mother's necklace," Theo said. "If you take it away from her and give it to us, we'll break it and finally be free."

"Are you all crazy? I can't win against a witch. She can control all of you! What will happen to me if she tells you all to kill me? Nothing, right?" I said.

"If you let me possess your body, I can distract Mother and get it for you. Then I'll leave your body," he said.

"How do I trust you? What if you're also part of your mother's scheme? How are you still here if you've already crossed to the other side? That's suspicious," I said.

"I came back for Mother," he said.

"If you can come back, resurrecting you should be easy for her," I said.

"No, you can't resurrect someone who died six years ago, before the orphanage burned down," Theo said calmly. I stood there, speechless for a moment.

"Resurrecting the dead goes against nature," he added.

(Wow... he knows that much?)

"But it's not easy to fight a witch alone," I said.

"Who are you talking to?" someone suddenly said. My surroundings changed back to normal, and I turned around, surprised to see none other than the mighty dragon, Keilbuss.


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