What do you mean?

Some things don't add up. Kilo furrowed his brows as he thought about certain events that occurred that did not make sense.

Then should we stay on Earth?

Before the angel was able to reply, Denzyl made a sharp turn as bullets whizzed past the land rover, throwing its passengers off their balance. Kilo helped steady his star before turning to look behind. The four lights were gaining quickly; the shape of hover cycles appeared around the lights as the vehicles neared the rover. 

A glow to the angel's right caught Kilo's attention. Castyr had his eyes closed and was preparing to send out an energy blast similar to the one that saved Kilo and Miren during their encounter with demons fifty years ago. Kilo was quick to place his hand on Castyr's leg, grabbing the star's gaze. Don't. The angel shook his head. He could not let Castyr use a massive amount of energy and become vulnerable.


No! Kilo was firm in his response. He could not lose Castyr. The star let out a huff before finally nodding his head. Kilo turned back toward the approaching hovercycles, his hand going to his back as he held the overhead railing with his other hand and stepped up on the seat. Castyr looked up at the angel with wide eyes; he knew what Kilo was going to do.

"Hold him for me," Kilo addressed Devyn who nodded and wrapped his arms around the protesting star. Devyn tightened his hold around Castyr as he looked up at Kilo. The human's heart ached as he realized the weight of Kilo's responsibility. As Castyr's guardian, Kilo was ready to give his life to protect his star, but Devyn knew Kilo was not doing this out of a guardian's responsibility; he would gladly give his life for the one he loved.

"No, Kilo. Don't you dare!" Castyr yelled at his angel as Kilo turned toward their pursuers. "Devyn, let go of me!" The star protested as the angel drew his sword, Ymir, from his back.

After estimating the distance between the rover and the demons, Kilo loosened his grip on the frame and prepared to jump, but a hit to the back wheel threw the angel off balance and kept him from leaping off the rover. The vehicle swerved as Denzyl tried to regain control, giving the demons time to catch up. One remained behind as two drove on either side of the vehicle. The fourth zoomed ahead.

Kilo grabbed Castyr as he saw the two riders on each side draw their guns. Denzyl heard the readying of weapons and grabbed Devyn as the two demons fired. The four leaped from the vehicle as the bullets hit the rover's energy core, causing the vehicle to explode. Kilo's wings emerged and wrapped around Castyr and himself as the force sent the four flying. Denzyl pulled Devyn into his chest and folded his arms around the human in mid-air. The four hit the ground and rolled a few cycles before coming to a stop.

"You okay?" Denzyl checked on Devyn. The demon was lying on his back, and Devyn was clutching onto his shirt. The human's eyes were still shut as he nodded. Devyn let out a shaky breath as he opened his green eyes. Denzyl's grey eyes were filled with concern as he made sure the human was unhurt.

The angel, star, demon, and human sprung to their feet as the four hovercycles circled them. Denzyl placed Devyn behind him as they faced the moving cycles. The demons circled the four continuously, not giving any room to escape. Kilo scoured the demons for any points of weakness, but none appeared. The two couples came to stand next to each other as the demons closed in.

A white light appeared as Castyr began glowing in warning as he prepared to attack.

No, Castyr. It's dangerous! Kilo warned as he saw the star closing his eyes.

Kilo, I have to try. There are only four of them. I can do it. I have to do it. Castyr took Kilo's hand tightly as he closed his eyes and steadied his breath. Devyn watched as the glow surrounding the star grew in intensity and began to oscillate. After a moment, Castyr's sky-dark eyes snapped open, and a blinding wave of light pulsed from his body. The light rippled through the four hovercycles, incinerating the demons. Kilo caught the star as Castyr's body was drained of energy and stepped to the side to evade a hovercycle as it spun out of control.

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