Chapter 3: Feelings of Emotion

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[A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Shizu-san because of a Nook friendship that was temporarily lost due to my not being on and the rekindling of that friendship thanks to Wattpad. *gives everyone a bunch of cookies* I'm so happy!~ The pic used for this chapter was so fitting because of the donut, but this is after his hair is dyed black. Hahaha~]
{Ah~ Remembering these things brings forth such a nostalgic feeling. I rather like it. You're paying awfully good attention to what I'm telling, Reader-chan.~ Hmm...I smell donuts, so yummy.~ Eh? I got distracted! Heh~ Well, back to my tale.}
I bit into a donut and my eyes widened, then I stuffed the entire donut in my mouth. I stuffed my face with more donuts and ate all of my share quickly. I now loved donuts.

"Mmmm! Mph! Mm!" I made little noises as I chewed happily.

"I never thought a ghoul would be enjoying a donut," Hanbee mumbled as I swallowed. "Are you faking?"

"Haaaanbee!~ Are you going to eat that? Or are you too weirded out?~ If you're not eating your donut, I will!~" I giggled, already reaching for the sugary treat. This was part of the reason I was called Changeling; I could eat food as if I were a normal human despite being born a full blooded ghoul. If you know stories of the Fair Folk, then it makes more sense. It had started with my parents taking notice when I was two. That's a flashback for another time, though. I didn't feel like thinking about that at the moment.

"Awww! I wanted to eat it!" Juuzou whined. We'd both eaten most of the donuts and Hanbee was the only one with a donut left.

"I'll share, Juuzou-kun~," I said.

"I don't like sharing," Juuzou said.

"I wouldn't have suggested sharing for Hanbee. I wanna share with you," I said, not really thinking of what I spoke.

"That's mean," Hanbee mumbled, feeling left out. Juuzou made a thoughtful pouty face for a few seconds.

"Fine, but I get the bigger half~," Juuzou said.

"Okay~," I giggled, splitting the donut into uneven halves and giving him the bigger piece.

"I never even got a say in this...." Hanbee mumbled. The poor guy was being so ignored. Juuzou and I ate our donut halves.
"Rei-chan, are you sleeping? You're still walking, so why are you sleeping?~" Juuzou asked, rousing me from my sleep. Apparently, I'd fallen asleep some time after leaving the donut place and started sleepwalking. I rubbed at my eyes sleepily.

"Hnn? Sowwy. I always feel sleepy after eating something~," I hummed.

"That's a strange habit....and unsafe," Hanbee said, trembling at that last thought.

"Nothing is safe because there is no such thing as safe~," I hummed darkly.

"D-don't say things like th-that," Hanbee stuttered.

"But it's true!~ No matter what, there's no such thing as safe~," I said in a much more lighthearted tone.

"Haha~ It's no use. Hanbee will always be a coward~," Juuzou said teasingly.

"Coward!~ Coward!~ Hahaha~," I laughed.

"Reika-san, why did you come to the 20th Ward?" Hanbee asked, changing the subject.

"I move around a lot, never really having stayed in any one place for longer than a few weeks," I replied. Suddenly, a particular scent drifted passed my nose.

"Really?" Hanbee asked, a little surprised. I ignored him and started for the scent, a bad feeling about the cause of it.

"Rei-chan, where're you going?~" Juuzou asked, running after me, Hanbee right behind him.

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