Chapter 51: Attack On New York

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(Queens, New York, April, 2018, Y/N's Age: 31)

Tony's POV

So Pepper and I went on a jog and after I tell her about a dream I had last night.

Pepper: Your rambling.

Tony: No, I'm not.

Pepper: You lost me.

Tony: You know how your in a dream and in the dream you gotta pee.

Pepper: Yeah.

Tony: Okay. And then you're like, "Oh my god. There's no bathrooms. What am I gonna do? Oh someone's watching."

Pepper: Right.

Tony: "Oh, I'm gonna go in my pants."

Pepper: Then you wake up and in real life you actually have to pee.

Tony: Yes!

Pepper: Yeah.

Tony: Okay.

Pepper: Everybody has that.

Tony: Right, that's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night I dreamt kid. And the three of us were happy, you even chose to name him after your essentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?

Pepper: Morgan! Morgan.

Pepper and I then talk more about it and she tells me that we aren't having another baby.

???: Tony Stark.

Pepper and I turn and we see a portal open up as a man in a robe walks out of it.

???: I'm Doctor Stephen Strange. I need you to come with me.

Tony: I'm sorry. You giving out tickets to something?

???: We need your help. It's not overselling it to say that the fate of the universe is at stake.

Tony: And who's "we"?

Then my eyes widen when Bruce Banner comes out of the portal.

Bruce: Hey, Tony.

Tony: Bruce.

Bruce: Hi.

Bruce comes over to me.

Bruce: Oh.

Tony: You okay?

He then hugs me.

Then Pepper and I decide it's best if I go with them.

Once we go through the portal we end up in a building.

Strange and Bruce proceed to tell me about the infinity stones and Thanos.

The stones are Space, Power, Mind, Time, Reality and Soul.

Bruce: Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone....and we have to find him now.

Tony: Yeah, that's the thing.

Bruce: What do you mean?

Tony: Two weeks ago, Vision turned of his transponder. He's offline.

Bruce: What?

I walk to the other side of the room.

Bruce: Tony, you lost another super bot?

Tony: I did not lose him. He's more than that. He's evolving.

Strange: Who could find Vision then?

I sigh.

Tony: (Whispers) Shit. Probably Steve Rogers or Y/N L/N.

Strange sighs.

Tony: Maybe. But...

I sigh.

Bruce: Call one of them.

I look at Bruce.

Tony: It's not that easy.

Bruce was confused by this.

Tony: God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we?

Bruce: No.

Tony: The avengers broke up. We're toast.

Bruce: Broke up? Like a band? Like....Like the Beatles?

Tony: Cap, Spidey and I fell out pretty hard.... We're not on speaking terms.

Bruce: Tony, Listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not.

I think for a moment about whether or not Bruce is right and I sigh.

Then I turn around and take out the phone Steve had sent me two years ago.

I feel the room shaking and I turn and look at Strange.

Tony: Say, doc, you wouldn't happen to be moving your hair, would you?

Strange: Not at the moment, no.

After this we go outside and we see people running and screaming for their lives.

We then round a corner and see a space ship floating in the air.

After this, an alien tells us that he will have the infinity stone but I tell him no.

Bruce also has trouble turning into Hulk so Strange sends him away.

Peter's POV

I am currently on a bus for a field trip.

As I'm sitting here my spider sense goes off like crazy.

I look out the window beside me and I see a giant space ship in the middle of Manhattan.

Then I turn back in my seat and I tap Ned on the face.

Peter: Hey, man, I need you too create a distraction.

He sees what's happening.

Ned: Holy shit! We're all gonna die!

As everyone goes to the back of the bus, I open my bag and take out my web shooters and I apply it to my wrist.

I then use my webs to pull down the emergency window and I crawl out of it.

I then web swing under the bridge to make my way over to where the alien space ship is.

Third Person Perspective

When Ghost Spider arrives to the space ship he sees Iron-Man in the park.

Iron-Man is currently fighting one of the aliens.

The alien goes to crush Stark but Ghost Spider jumps in front of the axe before it can hit him.

He look at the alien.

Peter: Hey, man.

Peter looks at Tony who is on the ground.

Peter: What's up, Mr. Stark?

Tony: Kid, where'd you come from?

Peter: A field trip too...

Before he can finish his sentence the alien throws him.

After this, Peter tries to save Strange but is pulled up to the ship in space.

Iron-Man then goes up to help him.

Bruce's POV

After the whole fight, I find myself on the street with Wong right behind me.

I find Tony's phone on the ground and I pick it up.

I turn around and see Wong opening a portal.

Bruce: Where are you going?

Wong: The time stone has been taken and the sanctum remains unprotected. What will you do?

I look at the phone in my hand.

Bruce: I'm gonna make a call.

He nods and the portal closes.

I open the phone and see Y/N and Steve's number inside the contacts and I call Steve.

He tells me to go New York and he will go and find vision.

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