Chapter 2: Captain Carter

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(Brooklyn, New York, May 2012, Y/N's Age: 25)


So I've just woken up to the sound of my alarm and I roll over and turn it off.

I then get out of bed and walk over to my desk and grab my web shooters and put them on.

I then web my pants and pull them up to me.

Y/N: Ah, never fails to amaze me.

Then I take the webs off my pants and put them on.

After this I web my shirt on the floor and pull it up to me.

I take the webs off the shirt and put it on.

Y/N: This is the life.

Then I go out of my room and into the kitchen and web the coffee cup and pull it towards me and catch it.

Then I walk over to the coffee machine and turn it on.

After a little bit of drinking coffee and having some breakfast, I go and get my suit on.

Then I walk over to the window and open it up.

I then dive out of the window so I can go out and patrol the city.

(One Hour Later)

So after about an hour of patrolling the city I manage to stop a few crimes and now I'm taking a break.

I'm sitting on a rooftop eating a piece of pizza.

After I'm finished I drop from the rooftop and continue to web swing.

I hear an alarm going off and so I follow the sound and I see the Rhino robbing a bank.

I drop to the ground once I make it to him.

Y/N: Ah, Alexei. At it again I see.

He turns around and sees me.

Rhino: Puny spider. I have upgrades. You can beat me.

Y/N: You mean "can't."

Rhino: What?

Y/N: You said...(Impersonating Rhino) "Puny spider. I have upgrades. You can beat me." You said can, which means you know I can beat you. If you knew I couldn't then you'd say can't.

Rhino: I shall squash you for correcting my grammar.

Rhino runs at me but i jump over him and land on the ground.

Then I web his leg and pull him backwards.

Rhino: Let me go.

Y/N: Okay, Rhino. It's nap time.

I start webbing him up and I jump onto his back and start webbing his face.

Then I flip in the air and kick him in the face which causes him to fall over.

Then I flip in the air and land on the ground and rub my hands together.

Y/N: Ah. Alexei. I always look forward to our chats.

I walk over and sit on top of him.

Y/N: Your like my best friend. My only friend. So I really appreciate when you try to rob a bank because then we get to have our talks. It's nice, I like it.

Then I roll over him and get to my feet.

Y/N: Well have fun in Rykers.

Then I run and jump onto a car and then I jump in the air to a building, then I jump to the rooftop and do a backflip.

Then I start running and I jump in the air and my spider sense goes off.

I look to the side of me and I get hit by a shield which takes me down.

I fall to the ground and get on my knees.

Then I see a woman land on the roof and pick it up the shield.

She then looks over at me and wow was she beautiful.

???: Spider-Man.

I stand up.

Y/N: Yeah, that's me.

She walks towards me.

???: Captain Carter but you can call me Peggy.

She holds her hand out.

Y/N: Nice to meet you, Peggy.

I shake her hand.

Peggy: S.H.I.E.L.D. needs you to come in.

I tilt my head at this.

Peggy: It's a long phrase which I don't wanna get into.

Y/N: Right...Um, so you know who I am? Under my mask....

Peggy: Actually no. The only one who knows is Director Nick Fury. He asked me to come get you.

I start walking.

Y/N: What's the problem, Captain Carter?

I turn around to her and she takes out a file and hands it to me.

I look at the file and see a blue cube with the word "TESSERACT" above it.

Peggy: It's called the tesseract. It's been taken and Director Fury would like your help to get it back.

Y/N: And I'm supposed to trust the guy who knows my secret identity?

Peggy: He could have told me who you are. I could have informed Brooklyn and you'd be having a different conversation right now.

Y/N: Good point.

I hand her the file.

Y/N: Who took it?

Peggy: His name is Loki. He's not from around here.

Y/N: With a name like that he should be glad he's not from around here.

This gets a laugh from Peggy.

Peggy: So I take it your in.

Y/N: Yeah, Captain Carter I'm in. But I'm not taking of my mask. At least until I see I can trust you.

Peggy: I respect that, Spider-Man. I'm sure you'll get there.

She turns around and starts to walk away.

Peggy: This way, Spider-Man.

Then I follow Captain Carter and I can't help but wonder why this Nick Fury didn't tell her my identity.

Heck I'd like to know how he knows my identity.

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