A Dangerous Situation

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here team rocket?" Ash said not knowing a faint bluish aura was flowing from his body

"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nations!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare for a fight!"
"Meowth! That's right!"

"Not you guys again what are you doing here?" Mallow said

"We're here to take pikachu" Jessie said

"Not gonna happen!" Ash said as pikachu nodded standing on the battlefield

"Try to get me you dumb trio won't be able to!" Pikachu said

"That pikachu's really confident dat we won't catch it, but y'all are forgetin about our robot" meowth said clicking a button as a giant robot appeared behind team rocket, then the giant team rocket grabbed ash with its hand

"Don't you think this is a good time to hand pikachu unless you want the twerp to get hurt" Jessie said

"Ash!" Pikachu said as he used iron tail on the machine but it didn't do anything

"You have to do a lot more then tem weak punches to break this baby" meowth said smirking

"Now hand pikachu and your pokemon unless you want the twerp to get it" Jessie said, she clicked on a remote and the grip on the robots hand that was holding ash hit tighter and ash screamed in pain

"We're not actual going to hurt the twerp are we? It's a bit far even for us" James whispered

"Of course not, we may be thieves but we aren't monsters, we're just going to leave them at a tight spot" Jessie said

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet said agreeing with his partners

"What do we do Professor?" Asked lillie worried about their friend, the professor was more worried considering that ash was a son figure to him

"Aurghhhh!" Ash groaned feeling his rib cage breaking from the tightness of the robots hold

suddenly a blackish aura was surrounding ash and the robot, the aura was visible making everyone suprised, soon a huge bluish light was covering ash and the robot let go off ash, soon ash's body changed into a black latios suprising everyone even the rocket trio

"Wh-what's going on?" Jessie said

"Is that...." Lillie said almost fainting as she saw the black looking eon pokemon

Then ash opened his eyes instead of the blackish pupils it showed glowing red eyes, out of anger his body had a yellowish aura around him as he rammed onto the robot pushing it far away, the rocket trio was shivering then took out their pokemon

"Mimikyu shadow ball"
"Mareanie use poison sting!"

Jessie and James said pointing at the black latios, both pokemon complied firing their attacks, ash dodged the poison sting and shadow ball, then he charged in with a dragon claw and hit mareanie making her stumble back, then used dragon pulse on mimikyu pushing the pokemon back and growling at them loudly

"Wh-what I-I-incredible p-power" Sophocles said

"H-he looks angry" lillie said

"He's going to loss control if he continues we have to do something" kiawe said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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